Would you mind helping me to correct the Buonce back instruction, in the Temperature field ?

Dear all,
I am simulating the flow and heat transfer in a cavity containing an obstacle(for simplifying),

| |
| |
| |
|_____________________| LX/4
| obstacle|
The code that I use, buonce back conditions are applyed just in the hydrodynamic field, but not applyed in the temperature field,
For that, I add the BB conditions in the function of collision in the T field,
Unfortunately, the streamlines that I find are not good, especialy near the obstacle and in it,
You find below This function, would you mind helping me to correct this instructions, please?

// Copyright ©, 2005, Michael Sukop and Danny Thorne
// collide.c

// void collide( lattice_ptr lattice)

//void collide( lattice_ptr lattice)
//double *feq;
//double *f;
// double *ftemp;
// double force;
//#endif /
void collide( lattice_ptr lattice)
double *feq;
double *f;
double *ftemp;
double force;
#endif /
double omega;

int bc_type;

int n, a;

int subs;
double fl;
int i, j;
int ip, jp,
in, jn;
int ni = lattice->param.LX,
nj = lattice->param.LY;

for( subs=0; subs<NUM_FLUID_COMPONENTS; subs++)
for( n=0; nNumNodes; n++)
feq = lattice->pdf[subs][n].feq;
f = lattice->pdf[subs][n].f;
ftemp = lattice->pdf[subs][n].ftemp;
bc_type = lattice->bc[subs][n].bc_type;

if( ( get_bc_sigma_walls(lattice) && subs==1)
|| !( bc_type & BC_SOLID_NODE))
if( !( bc_type & BC_SOLID_NODE))
#endif /
// C O L L I D E

    // f = ftemp - (1/tau[subs])( ftemp - feq)
    for( a=0; a<=8; a++)

#if 1
f[a] = ftemp[a] - ( ( ftemp[a] / lattice->param.tau[subs] )
- ( feq[a] / lattice->param.tau[subs] ) );
f[a] = ftemp[a] - ( ( ftemp[a] )
- ( feq[a] ) ) / lattice->param.tau[subs];
} /* for( a=0; a<=8; a++) */

for( a=0; a<=8; a++)
if( f < 0.)
"collide() – Node %d (%d,%d), subs %d, "
“has negative density %20.17f "
“in direction %d "
“at timestep %d. Exiting!\n”,
n, n%lattice->param.LX,
f[a], a,
lattice->time );
} /
for( a=0; a<=8; a++) /
#endif /

} /* if( !( bc_type & BC_SOLID_NODE)) */

else // bc_type & BC_SOLID_NODE
    f[1] = ftemp[1];
    f[2] = ftemp[2];
    f[3] = ftemp[3];
    f[4] = ftemp[4];
    f[5] = ftemp[5];
    f[6] = ftemp[6];
    f[7] = ftemp[7];
    f[8] = ftemp[8];

  // B O U N C E B A C K

  if(   lattice->param.bc_slip_north
     && n >= lattice->NumNodes - lattice->param.LX)
    // Slip condition on north boundary.
    f[1] = ftemp[1];
    f[2] = ftemp[4];
    f[3] = ftemp[3];
    f[4] = ftemp[2];
    f[5] = ftemp[8];
    f[6] = ftemp[7];
    f[7] = ftemp[6];
    f[8] = ftemp[5];

  } /* if(   lattice->param.bc_slip_north && ... ) */

    if( subs==0)    // Hydrodynamic field
      // Usual non-slip bounce-back condition.
      f[1] = ftemp[3];
      f[2] = ftemp[4];
      f[3] = ftemp[1];
      f[4] = ftemp[2];
      f[5] = ftemp[7];
      f[6] = ftemp[8];
      f[7] = ftemp[5];
      f[8] = ftemp[6];

    } /* if( subs==0) */

else // subs==1 // T field
if( lattice->param.bc_sigma_slip)
// Slip BC for solute on side walls.
// Will this make a difference on Taylor dispersion?
if( lattice->FlowDir == /Vertical/2)

          if(   /*west*/(n  )%lattice->param.LX == 0
             || /*east*/(n+1)%lattice->param.LX == 0)
            // Slip condition on east/west boundary
            f[1] = ftemp[3];
            f[2] = ftemp[2];
            f[3] = ftemp[1];
            f[4] = ftemp[4];
            f[5] = ftemp[6];
            f[6] = ftemp[5];
            f[7] = ftemp[8];
            f[8] = ftemp[7];

        else if( lattice->FlowDir == /*Horizontal*/1)
          if(   /*north*/ n >= lattice->NumNodes - lattice->param.LX
             || /*south*/ n <  lattice->param.LX )
            // Slip condition on north/south boundary.
            f[1] = ftemp[1];
            f[2] = ftemp[4];
            f[3] = ftemp[3];
            f[4] = ftemp[2];
            f[5] = ftemp[8];
            f[6] = ftemp[7];
            f[7] = ftemp[6];
            f[8] = ftemp[5];

            // ERROR: Solid exists somewhere other than as side walls.
            printf("%s (%d) >> "
              "ERROR: "
              "bc_sigma_slip is on. "
              "FlowDir is determined to be horizontal. "
              "Encountered solid node somewhere other than side walls. "
              "That situation is not supported. "
              "Exiting!", __FILE__, __LINE__);
          printf("%s (%d) >> "
            "FlowDir is indeterminate. "
            "Cannot apply slip BC (bc_sigma_slip). "
            "Exiting!", __FILE__, __LINE__);

      } /* if( lattice->param.bc_sigma_slip) */

      else if((n > lattice->param.LX *(lattice->param.LX/4 -1)+1)&& (n <  lattice->param.LX *lattice->param.LX/4))
      {                           // The Buonce back instructions that I add for T field (subs==1)  

// Usual non-slip bounce-back conditions
f[4] = ftemp[2];
f[7] = ftemp[5];
f[8] = ftemp[6];
else {
f[1] = ftemp[3];
f[2] = ftemp[4];
f[3] = ftemp[1];
f[4] = ftemp[2];
f[5] = ftemp[7];
f[6] = ftemp[8];
f[7] = ftemp[5];
f[8] = ftemp[6];
} /
if( lattice->param.bc_sigma_slip) else /
#endif /

    } /* if( subs==0) else*/

#endif /* NUM_FLUID_COMPONENTS==2 */

  } /* if(   lattice->param.bc_slip_north && ... ) else */

} /* if( !( bc_type & BC_SOLID_NODE)) else */

} /* for( n=0; n<lattice_NumNodes; n++) */

if( subs==0)
//printf(“test_inamuro_collllid-PC_effetporus_CL %d\n”,subs);
// Compute the solid density term for fluid component.
for( n=0; nNumNodes; n++)
//printf(“debut boucle %f\n”);
ftemp = lattice->pdf[subs][n].ftemp;
bc_type = lattice->bc [subs][n].bc_type;

  i = n%ni;
  j = n/ni;

  jp = ( j<nj-1)?( j+1):( 0   );
  jn = ( j>0   )?( j-1):( nj-1);

  ip = ( i<ni-1)?( i+1):( 0   );
  in = ( i>0   )?( i-1):( ni-1);

  //printf("n= %d,fl=  %f\n"n,lattice->fs1[n].fs);

  if( !( bc_type & BC_SOLID_NODE))
  //printf("test_inamuro_collllid-PC_effetporus_CL2 %d %d\n",n,subs);

      // Variable solid density.
      fl =(1-(lattice->fs1[n].fs));
      //printf("n= %d,fl=  %f\n",n,fl);
      fl=fl*fl*fl/((1.0-fl)*(1.0-fl)+1.E-2)/1.E+12;  //-2
      //printf("fl2=%d %f %f%\n",n,fl,lattice->fs1[n].fs);

/* 0 */ ftemp++;

/* 1 */ ftemp++ = fl( lattice->pdf[subs][ j *ni + ip].f[3]
- lattice->pdf[subs][ j ni + i ].f[1]);
2 / ftemp++ = fl( lattice->pdf[subs][ jpni + i ].f[4]
- lattice->pdf[subs][ j ni + i ].f[2]);
3 */ ftemp++ = fl( lattice->pdf[subs][ j *ni + in].f[1]
- lattice->pdf[subs][ j ni + i ].f[3]);
4 / ftemp++ = fl( lattice->pdf[subs][ jnni + i ].f[2]
- lattice->pdf[subs][ j ni + i ].f[4]);
5 / ftemp++ = fl( lattice->pdf[subs][ jpni + ip].f[7]
- lattice->pdf[subs][ j ni + i ].f[5]);
6 / ftemp++ = fl( lattice->pdf[subs][ jpni + in].f[8]
- lattice->pdf[subs][ j ni + i ].f[6]);
7 / ftemp++ = fl( lattice->pdf[subs][ jnni + in].f[5]
- lattice->pdf[subs][ j ni + i ].f[7]);
8 / ftemp++ = fl( lattice->pdf[subs][ jnni + ip].f[6]
- lattice->pdf[subs][ j ni + i ].f[8]);
} /
if( !( *bc_type++ & BC_SOLID_NODE)) /
} /
for( n=0; n<lattice_NumNodes; n++) */

for( n=0; n<lattice->NumNodes; n++)
  f       = lattice->pdf[subs][n].f;
  bc_type = lattice->bc [subs][n].bc_type;

  if( !( bc_type & BC_SOLID_NODE))
    for( a=1; a<9; a++, f++)
      *f += *(f+9);

    } /* for( a=1; a<9; a++) */
  } /* if( !( bc_type & BC_SOLID_NODE)) */
// } // if (lattice->fs1[n].fs>0)
} /* for( n=0; n<lattice->NumNodes; n++, f+=18) */

} /* if( subs==0) */

} /* for( subs=0; subs<NUM_FLUID_COMPONENTS; subs++) */

#if SAY_HI
printf(“collide() – Bye!\n”);
#endif /* SAY_HI */

} /* void collide( lattice_ptr lattice) */

Best regards,


[edit yann@flowkit] Pleas try to use the "formatted code" tag when posting cod in this forum.