Simple code adv-diff problem

Hi Everyone,

I finally managed to solve (almost) the advection-diffusion problem. I also managed to couple the concentration field with a velocity field. I thought that maybe can be useful to somebody and I posted the code here. The code solve the concentration field within a poiseuille flow. The coupling is passive and uses a function from the palabos library.

#include “palabos2D.h”
#include “palabos2D.hh”

using namespace std;
using namespace plb;

typedef double T;

#define NSDES descriptors::D2Q9Descriptor
#define AVDES descriptors::AdvectionDiffusionD2Q5Descriptor

// ************************************************************************
// Part for the NS part of the code. A classic poiseuille flow is simulated.
// Most of the code is taken from Palabos tutorial 1.5
// ************************************************************************

// Poiselle velocity analitical
// Velocity on the parabolic Poiseuille profile
T poiseuilleVelocity(plint iY, IncomprFlowParam const& parameters) {
T y = (T)iY / parameters.getResolution();
return 4.parameters.getLatticeU() * (y-yy);

// A functional, used to initialize the velocity for the boundary conditions
class PoiseuilleVelocity {
PoiseuilleVelocity(IncomprFlowParam parameters_)
: parameters(parameters_)
{ }
// This version of the operator returns the velocity only,
// to instantiate the boundary condition.
void operator()(plint iX, plint iY, Array<T,2>& u) const {
u[0] = poiseuilleVelocity(iY, parameters);
u[1] = T();
// This version of the operator returns also a constant value for
// the density, to create the initial condition.
void operator()(plint iX, plint iY, T& rho, Array<T,2>& u) const {
u[0] = poiseuilleVelocity(iY, parameters);
u[1] = T();
rho = (T)1;
IncomprFlowParam parameters;

// Function to set up the channel
void channelSetup (
MultiBlockLattice2D<T,NSDES>& lattice,
IncomprFlowParam const& parameters,
OnLatticeBoundaryCondition2D<T,NSDES>& boundaryCondition )
// Create Velocity boundary conditions.

// Specify the boundary velocity.
setBoundaryVelocity (
        lattice, lattice.getBoundingBox(),
        PoiseuilleVelocity<T>(parameters) );

// Create the initial condition.
initializeAtEquilibrium (
       lattice, lattice.getBoundingBox(), PoiseuilleVelocity<T>(parameters) );


// ****************************************************************************
// ****************************************************************************

// ************************************************************************
// Advection-diffusion setup *********************************************
// ************************************************************************

void concentrationSetup(MultiBlockLattice2D<T,AVDES> &lattice,
OnLatticeAdvectionDiffusionBoundaryCondition2D<T, AVDES> &BC,
IncomprFlowParam parameters) {

// Get lattice dimensions
const plint nx = parameters.getNx();
const plint ny = parameters.getNy();

// Get velocity and rho for this lattice
Array<T,2> u0(0.,0.);

// Set-up the geometry
//Box2D topwall(0, nx-1, ny-1, ny-1);
//Box2D bottomwall(0, nx-1, 0,    0);
Box2D leftwall(0,1,   0,ny);
Box2D rightwall(nx,nx,   0,ny);

// Set the boundary-conditions
BC.addTemperatureBoundary1P(rightwall, lattice);
BC.addTemperatureBoundary1N(leftwall, lattice);

// Try to impose a different temperature
setBoundaryDensity(lattice, rightwall, 0.0);
setBoundaryDensity(lattice, leftwall, 1.0);

// Init lattice
initializeAtEquilibrium(lattice, lattice.getBoundingBox(), 0.0,u0);

// Command to init the lattice


// ************************************************************************
// ************************************************************************
// ************************************************************************

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
// Init simulation
plbInit(&argc, &argv);

// Parameters for the dynamics
IncomprFlowParam<T> parameters(
        (T) 1e-2,  // Reference velocity (the maximum velocity
                   //   in the Poiseuille profile) in lattice units.
        (T) 100.,  // Reynolds number
        100,       // Resolution of the reference length (channel height).
        2.,        // Channel length in dimensionless variables
        1.         // Channel height in dimensionless variables

Array<T,2> u2(2.0, 0.0);

// Istantiate the lattice
MultiBlockLattice2D<T, NSDES> nsLattice(parameters.getNx(), parameters.getNy(), new BGKdynamics<T, NSDES>(parameters.getOmega()));

// Istantiate adv-diff lattice
MultiBlockLattice2D<T, AVDES> advLattice(parameters.getNx(), parameters.getNy(), new AdvectionDiffusionBGKdynamics<T, AVDES>(1.0));

// Istantiate the boundary conditions
OnLatticeBoundaryCondition2D<T,NSDES> *nsBC = createLocalBoundaryCondition2D<T, NSDES>();
OnLatticeAdvectionDiffusionBoundaryCondition2D<T, AVDES> *avBC = createLocalAdvectionDiffusionBoundaryCondition2D<T, AVDES>();

// Set-up channel for NS equations
channelSetup(nsLattice, parameters, *nsBC);

//Set-up concentration field
concentrationSetup(advLattice, *avBC, parameters);

// Main LBM cycle
ImageWriter<T> image("leeloo");
for (plint iT=0; iT < 10000; ++iT) {

    if(iT%100==0) {
        pcout << "Writing GIF... \n";
        //image.writeScaledGif(createFileName("conc",iT,2), *computeDensity(advLattice), parameters.getNx(),parameters.getNy());
        //image.writeScaledGif(createFileName("vel",iT, 2), *computeVelocityNorm(nsLattice), parameters.getNx(), parameters.getNy());

 // First attempt to couple the two physics
latticeToPassiveAdvDiff(nsLattice, advLattice, advLattice.getBoundingBox());

for (plint iT=0; iT < 10000; ++iT) {

    if(iT%100==0) {
        pcout << "Writing GIF... \n";
        //image.writeScaledGif(createFileName("conc",iT,2), *computeDensity(advLattice), parameters.getNx(),parameters.getNy());
        //image.writeScaledGif(createFileName("vel",iT, 2), *computeVelocityNorm(nsLattice), parameters.getNx(), parameters.getNy());

image.writeScaledGif(createFileName("adv-diff",1,1), *computeDensity(advLattice), parameters.getNx(), parameters.getNy());

pcout << "Hello palabos";
return 0;


The last step will be implement the advection diffusion with source. If any of you have some suggestions they will be appreciated. 




I just want to thank you for sharing this example! I want to model a multicomponent advection-diffusion problem, and I just got started with Palabos. On the library examples directory the only problem that employs diffusion is the Boussinesq example, and it isn’t of much help. Your program is a good starting point for me!
