SCMP with mid range repulsion

Hi all,

I have started working on an LBM model with medium range repulsive force to simulate emulsions of heavy phase. I was inspired by the works of Chibbaro, 2008 (Phys Rev E 77, 036705) and Falcucci, 2010 (Soft Matter, 2010, 6, 4357–4365). For those of you who do not know what the repulsion model does, it is essentially incorporating a realistic component of repulsion between particles of the same phase, reducing the effective surface tension and promoting the formation of emulsions. This is compared to the original Shan-Chen model that only features short-range attractive forces.

My question is this. The repulsive model features two G parameters, uncoupling density ratio and surface tension. How are the values of these parameters determined? Does anyone have any experience? The expressions given in the two papers above as well as in other places differ significantly in both value and sign! Any help will be most appreciated.

Best Regards,
