problem with MPI compilation

Hi Everybody,

I try with the Palabos to compile a routine that I have in parallel mode. For that, I first installed mpich and next, I used “make” which apparently compiled the code with success.

However when I type : >> mpirun -np 2 ./geo 300 10 0.4 0.0001

I get the error:

mpiexec_app72: cannot connect to local mpd (/tmp/mpd2.console_vince); possible causes:

  1. no mpd is running on this host
  2. an mpd is running but was started without a “console” (-n option)
    In case 1, you can start an mpd on this host with:
    mpd &
    and you will be able to run jobs just on this host.
    For more details on starting mpds on a set of hosts, see
    the MPICH2 Installation Guide.

Could you hint what I am missing.


Did you tried the suggestions?

I am trying to compile the cylinder2d example on a Mac OS X version 10.6.8

I get the following error message below and would be grateful for suggestions

python …/…/…/scons/ -j 2 -f …/…/…/SConstruct palabosRoot=…/…/… projectFiles=“cylinder2d.cpp” optimize=true debug=false profile=false MPIparallel=true SMPparallel=false usePOSIX=true serialCXX=g++ parallelCXX=mpicxx compileFlags="-Wall -Wnon-virtual-dtor -DPLB_MAC_OS_X" linkFlags="" optimFlags="-O3" debugFlags="-g" profileFlags="-pg" libraryPaths="" includePaths="" libraries=""
scons: Reading SConscript files …
scons: done reading SConscript files.
scons: Building targets …
mpicxx -o cylinder2d cylinder2d.o /Users/ulfk/Applications/palabos-v1.2r0/lib/libplb_mpi.a
ld: in /Users/ulfk/Applications/palabos-v1.2r0/lib/libplb_mpi.a(metaStuffFunctional2D.o), section not found for address 0xFFFFF00000000EF0
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
scons: *** [cylinder2d] Error 1
scons: building terminated because of errors.
make: *** [compile] Error 2


I have installed OpenMPI, but bug is as follows:

python …/…/…/scons/ -j 2 -f …/…/…/SConstruct palabosRoot=…/…/… projectFiles=“poiseuille.cpp” optimize=true debug=false profile=false MPIparallel=true SMPparallel=false usePOSIX=true serialCXX=g++ parallelCXX=mpicxx compileFlags="-Wall -Wnon-virtual-dtor" linkFlags="" optimFlags="-O3" debugFlags="-g" profileFlags="-pg" libraryPaths="" includePaths="" libraries=""
scons: Reading SConscript files …
scons: done reading SConscript files.
scons: Building targets …
mpicxx -o poiseuille.o -c -Wall -Wnon-virtual-dtor -O3 -DPLB_MPI_PARALLEL -DPLB_USE_POSIX -I/home/think/Desktop/palabos-v1.2r0/src -I/home/think/Desktop/palabos-v1.2r0/externalLibraries poiseuille.cpp
sh: 1: mpicxx: not found
scons: *** [poiseuille.o] Error 127
mpicxx -o /home/think/Desktop/palabos-v1.2r0/src/multiGrid/multiScale.o -c -Wall -Wnon-virtual-dtor -O3 -DPLB_MPI_PARALLEL -DPLB_USE_POSIX -I/home/think/Desktop/palabos-v1.2r0/src -I/home/think/Desktop/palabos-v1.2r0/externalLibraries /home/think/Desktop/palabos-v1.2r0/src/multiGrid/multiScale.cpp
sh: 1: mpicxx: not found
scons: *** [/home/think/Desktop/palabos-v1.2r0/src/multiGrid/multiScale.o] Error 127
scons: building terminated because of errors.
make: *** [compile] Error 2

What’s wrong? and I do want

Set MPI-parallel mode on/off (parallelism in cluster-like environment)

MPIparallel = true

How should I do with it?



Ah, something went wrong with your OpenMPI installation. Under Ubuntu, I think that additionally to the package “openmpi”, you should install the package “openmpi-dev”.
