problem with computeDrag

Dear all !

I have some problem in use of xFlow, if you help me in this problem, i will not forget your help.

1- I use computeDrag (in bounceBack Folder) for drag calculation, but when I change Re number, results did not change significantly.

Experimental results show that in Re = 500, cd is about 1, but code result is 3.15135486.


Re = 500
step 64576; lattice time=64576; t=10.09; av energy=2.859623396e-05; av rho=0.9999958077; drag=-3.15135486; lift=-0.000153573271

Poiseuille flow
Velocity in lattice units: u=0.01
Reynolds number: Re=500
Lattice resolution: N=64
Extent of the system: lx=5
Extent of the system: ly=1
Extent of the system: lz=0
Grid spacing deltaX: dx=0.015625
Time step deltaT: dt=0.00015625


Re = 100

Poiseuille flow
Velocity in lattice units: u=0.01
Reynolds number: Re=100
Lattice resolution: N=64
Extent of the system: lx=5
Extent of the system: ly=1
Extent of the system: lz=0
Grid spacing deltaX: dx=0.015625
Time step deltaT: dt=0.00015625

Re = 10

drag=-3.164571975; lift=0.0005878252574

Poiseuille flow
Velocity in lattice units: u=0.01
Reynolds number: Re=10
Lattice resolution: N=64
Extent of the system: lx=5
Extent of the system: ly=1
Extent of the system: lz=0
Grid spacing deltaX: dx=0.015625
Time step deltaT: dt=0.00015625
