Periodic boolean mask


I want to load 2d geometry from a boolean mask file (as in: examples/codesByTopic/io/loadGeometry.cpp) into lattice which is periodic (periodicity toggled to True in both directions).

My question is: do I have to toggle periodicity on a temporary scalar field too (I use this scalar field to keep my mask in memory just for initialization)?


Hi everybody,

I’m a new user and i would like to know how to load a geometry(as in: examples/codesByTopic/io/loadGeometry.cpp) after to have changed the geometry into binary code.i’ve tried by the geometry remains the same.

  • My particular interest is to know , how i can define my own geometry ( i.e. car ,bubbles into cubic , or even a cockpit)
    Sorry if the questions look easy, i am a new palabos’ user.
    Thank u for your help.