Make Compile error in my cluster

I am beginner in palabos.
I tried to compile example case in my cluster environment.
Compile is completed in my main master node, but it cannot be done in other node server.

[palabos@node01 cavity2d]$ make
python3.8 …/…/…/scons/ -j 6 -f …/…/…/SConstruct palabosRoot=…/…/… projectFiles=“cavity2d.cpp” optimize=true debug=true profile=false MPIparallel=true usePOSIX=true serialCXX=g++ parallelCXX=mpicxx compileFlags="-Wall -Wnon-virtual-dtor -std=c++11 " linkFlags="" optimFlags="-O3" debugFlags="-g" profileFlags="-pg" srcPaths="" libraryPaths="" includePaths="" libraries=""
scons: Reading SConscript files …

scons: warning: Can’t find Intel compiler top dir for version=‘None’, abi=‘x86_64’
File “/home/palabos/palabos-master/SConstruct”, line 69, in

scons: *** While building ['cavity2d.o']' from [‘cavity2d.cpp’]’: Don’t know how to build from a source file with suffix `.cpp’. Expected a suffix in this list: [’.c’, ‘.m’, ‘.f’, ‘.for’, ‘.ftn’, ‘.fpp’, ‘.FPP’, ‘.F’, ‘.FOR’, ‘.FTN’, ‘.f77’, ‘.F77’, ‘.f90’, ‘.F90’, ‘.f95’, ‘.F95’, ‘.f03’, ‘.F03’, ‘.f08’, ‘.F08’, ‘.s’, ‘.asm’, ‘.ASM’, ‘.spp’, ‘.SPP’, ‘.sx’, ‘.S’, ‘.d’].
File “/home/palabos/palabos-master/SConstruct”, line 100, in
make: *** [compile] error 2

this is my error script.
I think it is related to compiler but i don’t know about exact problem
Please help me