i have problem in this programm can you help me

! 1. The whole project is composed of head.inc, main.for,
! streamcollision.for, force.for, and output.for.
! 2. head.inc is a header file, where some common blocks are defined.
! 3. In the file: ‘params.in’ is a file you can put the critical
! parameters.
! Do not include “c=======…" in the file. The file begins with a
! parameter.
! 4. Before running this project, please create a new sub-folder
! ‘out’
! under the working directory.
! 5. Here C-S EOS is given as an example. The other EOS can be
! included similarly.
! 6. Please create a new folder ’out’ in the working directory
! before running the code
! head.inc:
! Domain size is lx \times ly \times \lz

integer lx,ly,lz
common/AA/ G,tau,Gads(2),ex(0:18),ey(0:18),ez(0:18),opp(18)
real*8 G,tau,Gads
integer ex,ey,ez, opp
common/b/ error,vel,xc(0:18),yc(0:18),zc(0:18),t_k(0:18)
real*8 error,vel,xc,yc,zc,t_k
common/vel/ c_squ,cc,TT0,rho_w,Ca,RR, Nwri
real*8 c_squ,cc,TT0, rho_w, Ca,RR
integer Nwri
common/app/ t_0,t_1,t_2, rho_h, rho_l
real*8 t_0,t_1,t_2, rho_h, rho_l

program D3Q19 LBM
implicit none
include “head.inc”
integer t_max,time,k
! This array defines which lattice positions are occupied by fluid
! nodes (obst=0)
! or solid nodes (obst=1)
integer obst(lx,ly,lz)
! Velocity components
real8 u_x(lx,ly,lz),u_y(lx,ly,lz), u_z(lx,ly,lz)
! Pressure and density
8 p(lx,ly,lz),rho(lx,ly,lz)

! The real fluid density
! which may differ from the velocity components in the above; refer
! to SC model
real*8 upx(lx,ly,lz),upy(lx,ly,lz),upz(lx,ly,lz)
! The force components: Fx, Fy, Fz for the interaction between
! fluid nodes.
! Sx, Sy, Sz are the interaction (components) between the fluid nodes
! and solid nodes
! ff is the distribution function
real*8 ff(0:18,lx,ly,lz),Fx(lx,ly,lz),Fy(lx,ly,lz),
& Fz(lx,ly,lz), Sx(lx,ly,lz),Sy(lx,ly,lz), Sz(lx,ly,lz)
! TT0W is the value of T/T0; RHW and RLW are the coexisting
! densities
! in the specified T/T0.
! For initialization, \rho_l (lower density)
! and \rho_h (higher density) are supposed to be known.
real*8 TT0W(12), RHW(12), RLW(12)
! Author: Haibo Huang, Huanghb@ustc.edu.cn
! The below data define the D3Q19 velocity model, xc(ex), yc(ey),
! zc(ez)
! are the components of e_{ix}, e_{iy}, and e_{iz}, respectively.

data xc/0.d0, 1.d0, -1.d0, 0.d0, 0.d0, 0.d0, 0.d0, 1.d0, 1.d0,
& -1.d0, -1.d0, 1.d0, -1.d0, 1.d0, -1.d0, 0.d0, 0.d0,
& 0.d0, 0.d0 /,
& yc/0.d0, 0.d0, 0.d0, 1.d0, -1.0d0, 0.d0, 0.d0, 1.d0, -1.d0,
& 1.d0, -1.d0, 0.d0, 0.d0, 0.d0, 0.d0, 1.d0, 1.d0,
& -1.d0, -1.d0/,
& zc/0.d0, 0.d0, 0.d0, 0.d0, 0.d0, 1.d0, -1.d0, 0.d0, 0.d0,
& 0.d0, 0.d0, 1.d0, 1.d0, -1.d0, -1.d0, 1.d0, -1.d0,
& 1.d0, -1.d0/

data ex/0, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, -1, -1, 1, -1, 1, -1, 0, 0,
& 0, 0 /,
& ey/0, 0, 0, 1, -1, 0, 0, 1, -1, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1,
& -1, -1/,
& ez/0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, -1, -1, 1, -1,
& 1, -1/
! This array gives the opposite direction for e_1, e_2, e_3,
! .....e_18
! It implements the simple bounce-back rule we use in the collision
! step
! for solid nodes (obst=1)
data opp/2,1,4,3,6,5,10,9,8,7,14,13,12,11,18,17,16,15/
! RHW and RLW are the coexisting densities in the corresponding
! specified T/T0.
data TT0W/0.975d0, 0.95d0, 0.925d0, 0.9d0, 0.875d0, 0.85d0,
& 0.825d0, 0.8d0, 0.775d0, 0.75d0, 0.7d0, 0.65d0 /,
& RHW/ 0.16d0, 0.21d0, 0.23d0, 0.247d0, 0.265d0, 0.279d0,
& 0.29d0, 0.314d0, 0.30d0, 0.33d0, 0.36d0, 0.38d0 /,
& RLW/0.08d0, 0.067d0, 0.05d0, 0.0405d0, 0.038d0, 0.032d0,
& 0.025d0, 0.0245d0, 0.02d0, 0.015d0, 0.009d0, 0.006d0/

! Speeds and weighting factors
cc = 1.d0
c_squ = cc *cc / 3.d0
t_0 = 1.d0 / 3.d0
t_1 = 1.d0 / 18.d0
t_2 = 1.d0 / 36.d0
! Weighting coefficient in the equilibrium distribution function
t_k(0) = t_0
do 1 k =1,6
t_k(k) = t_1

1 continue
do 2 k =7,18
t_k(k) = t_2
2 continue

! Please specify which temperature
! and corresponding \rho_h, \rho_l in above ’data’ are chosen.
! Initial T/T0, rho_h, and rho_l for the C-S EOS are listed in above
! ’data’ section
k = 5 ! important
TT0 = TT0W(k)
rho_h = RHW(k)
rho_l = RLW(k)

c Initialisation
write (6,) ’@@@…3D LBM for single component multiphase @@@’
write (6,
) ’@@@ lattice size lx = ’,lx
write (6,) ’@@@ ly = ’,ly
write (6,
) ’@@@ lz = ’,lz
call read_parameters(t_max)
call read_obstacles(obst)
call init_density(obst,u_x ,u_y ,rho ,ff )

! Begin iterations
do 100 time = 1, t_max
if ( mod(time, Nwri) .eq. 0 .or. time. eq. 1) then
write(,) time
call write_results2(obst,rho,p,upx,upy,upz,time)
end if
call stream(obst,ff ) ! streaming (propagation) step
! Obtain the macro variables
call getuv(obst,u_x ,u_y, u_z, rho, ff )
! Calculate the actual velocity
call calcu_upr(obst,u_x,u_y,u_z,Fx,Fy,Fz,
& Sx,Sy,Sz,rho, upx,upy,upz)
! Calculate the interaction force between fluid nodes,
! and the interaction force between solid and fluid nodes.
call calcu_Fxy(obst,rho,Fx,Fy,Fz,Sx,Sy,Sz,p)

! BGK model (a single relaxation parameter) is used
call collision(tau,obst,u_x,u_y,u_z,rho ,ff ,Fx ,Fy ,Fz,
& Sx,Sy, Sz ) ! collision step ,

100 continue
c===== End of the main loop

write (6,*) ’@@@@** end **@@@@’

subroutine read_parameters(t_max)
implicit none
include “head.inc”
integer t_max
real8 visc
! Initial radius of the droplet.
) RR
! \rho_w in calculation of fluid-wall interaction
read(1,) rho_w
! Relaxation parameter, which is related to viscosity
) tau
! Maximum iteration specified
read(1,) t_max
! Output data frequency (can be viewed with TECPLOT)
) Nwri
visc =c_squ*(tau-0.5)
write (*,’(“kinematic viscosity=”,f12.5, “lu^2/ts”,
& 2X, “tau=”, f12.7)’) visc, tau

! Initialize which nodes are wall node (obst=1) and
! which are fluid nodes (obst=0)

subroutine read_obstacles(obst)
implicit none
include "head.inc"
integer x,y,z,obst(lx,ly,lz)
do 11 z = 1, lz
do 10 y = 1, ly
do 40 x = 1, lx
obst(x,y,z) = 0
if(z .eq. 1) obst(x, y,1) = 1

40 continue
10 continue
11 continue

subroutine init_density(obst,u_x,u_y,rho,ff)

implicit none
include "head.inc"

integer i,j,x,y,z,k,n,obst(lx,ly,lz)
real*8 u_squ,u_n(0:18),fequi(0:18),u_x(lx,ly,lz),u_y(lx,ly,lz),
& rho(lx,ly,lz),ff(0:18,lx,ly,lz),u_z(lx,ly,lz)
do 12 z = 1, lz
do 11 y = 1, ly
do 10 x = 1, lx
	u_x(x,y,z) = 0.d0
	u_y(x,y,z) = 0.d0
	u_z(x,y,z) = 0.d0
	rho(x,y,z) = rho_l

	if(real(x-lx/2)**2+real(y-ly/2)**2+real(z-5)**2<RR**2) then
	rho(x,y,z) = rho_h

10 continue
11 continue
12 continue

do 82 z = 1, lz
do 81 y = 1, ly
do 80 x = 1, lx

u_squ = u_x(x,y,z)*u_x(x,y,z) + u_y(x,y,z)*u_y(x,y,z)
& + u_z(x,y,z) *u_z(x,y,z)
do 60 k = 0,18
u_n(k) = xc(k)*u_x(x,y,z) + yc(k)*u_y(x,y,z)
& + zc(k) *u_z(x,y,z)
fequi(k) = t_k(k)* rho(x,y,z) * ( cc*u_n(k) / c_squ
& + (u_n(k)*cc) *(u_n(k)*cc) / (2.d0 * c_squ *c_squ)
& - u_squ / (2.d0 * c_squ)) + t_k(k) * rho(x,y,z)
ff(k,x,y,z)= fequi(k)

60 continue
80 continue
81 continue
82 continue

c= streamcollision.for
subroutine stream(obst,ff)

implicit none
include "head.inc"
integer k,obst(lx,ly,lz)
real*8 ff(0:18,lx,ly,lz),f_hlp(0:18,lx,ly,lz)
integer x,y,z,x_e,x_w,y_n,y_s,z_n,z_s
do 12 z = 1, lz
do 11 y = 1, ly
do 10 x = 1, lx

z_n = mod(z,lz) + 1
y_n = mod(y,ly) + 1
x_e = mod(x,lx) + 1
Single-component multiphase Shan–Chen-type model 65
z_s = lz - mod(lz + 1 - z, lz)
y_s = ly - mod(ly + 1 - y, ly)
x_w = lx - mod(lx + 1 - x, lx)

c… Propagation
f_hlp(1 ,x_e,y ,z ) = ff(1,x,y,z)
f_hlp(2 ,x_w,y ,z ) = ff(2,x,y,z)
f_hlp(3 ,x ,y_n,z ) = ff(3,x,y,z)
f_hlp(4 ,x ,y_s,z ) = ff(4,x,y,z)
f_hlp(5 ,x ,y ,z_n) = ff(5,x,y,z)
f_hlp(6 ,x ,y ,z_s) = ff(6,x,y,z)
f_hlp(7 ,x_e,y_n,z ) = ff(7,x,y,z)
f_hlp(8 ,x_e,y_s,z ) = ff(8,x,y,z)
f_hlp(9 ,x_w,y_n,z ) = ff(9,x,y,z)
f_hlp(10,x_w,y_s,z ) = ff(10,x,y,z)
f_hlp(11,x_e,y ,z_n) = ff(11,x,y,z)
f_hlp(12,x_w,y ,z_n) = ff(12,x,y,z)
f_hlp(13,x_e,y ,z_s) = ff(13,x,y,z)
f_hlp(14,x_w,y ,z_s) = ff(14,x,y,z)
f_hlp(15,x ,y_n,z_n) = ff(15,x,y,z)
f_hlp(16,x ,y_n,z_s) = ff(16,x,y,z)
f_hlp(17,x ,y_s,z_n) = ff(17,x,y,z)
f_hlp(18,x ,y_s,z_s) = ff(18,x,y,z)
10 continue
11 continue
12 continue
c---------------------Update distribution function
do 22 z = 1, lz
do 21 y = 1, ly
do 20 x = 1, lx
do k =1, 18
ff(k,x,y,z) = f_hlp(k,x,y,z)
20 continue
21 continue
22 continue

subroutine getuv(obst,u_x,u_y,u_z,rho,ff)
include “head.inc”
integer x,y,obst(lx,ly,lz)
real*8 u_x(lx,ly,lz),u_y(lx,ly,lz),rho(lx,ly,lz),
& ff(0:18,lx,ly,lz),u_z(lx,ly,lz)

do 12 z = 1, lz
do 11 y = 1, ly
do 10 x = 1, lx
rho(x,y,z) = 0.d0
if(obst(x,y,z) .eq. 0 ) then
do 5 k = 0 ,18
rho(x,y,z) = rho(x,y,z) + ff(k,x,y,z)

5 continue

if(rho(x,y,z) .ne. 0.d0) then
u_x(x,y,z)=(ff(1,x,y,z)+ ff(7,x,y,z)+ ff(8,x,y,z) +
& ff(11,x,y,z) + ff(13,x,y,z)
& -(ff(2,x,y,z) + ff(9,x,y,z) + ff(10,x,y,z)+
& ff(12,x,y,z) + ff(14,x,y,z) ))/rho(x,y,z)
u_y(x,y,z) = (ff(3,x,y,z) + ff(7,x,y,z) + ff(9,x,y,z) +
& ff(15,x,y,z) + ff(16,x,y,z)
& -(ff(4,x,y,z) + ff(8,x,y,z) + ff(10,x,y,z) +
& ff(17,x,y,z) + ff(18,x,y,z) )) /rho(x,y,z)
u_z(x,y,z)= (ff(5,x,y,z) + ff(11,x,y,z) + ff(12,x,y,z)+
& ff(15,x,y,z) + ff(17,x,y,z)
& -(ff(6,x,y,z) + ff(13,x,y,z) + ff(14,x,y,z) +
& ff(16,x,y,z) + ff(18,x,y,z) )) /rho(x,y,z)

10 continue
11 continue
12 continue

subroutine calcu_upr(obst,u_x,u_y,u_z,
& Fx,Fy,Fz,Sx,Sy,Sz,rho,upx,upy,upz)
implicit none
include “head.inc”
integer x,y,z ,obst(lx,ly,lz)
real*8 u_x(lx,ly,lz),u_y(lx,ly,lz),rho(lx,ly,lz),
% upx(lx,ly,lz), upy(lx,ly,lz), upz(lx,ly,lz),
& u_z(lx,ly,lz), Fx(lx,ly,lz), Fy(lx,ly,lz), Fz(lx,ly,lz),
& Sx(lx,ly,lz), Sy(lx,ly,lz), Sz(lx,ly,lz)
do 9 z = 1, lz
do 10 y = 1, ly
do 11 x = 1, lx
if(obst(x,y,z) .eq. 0) then
upx(x,y,z) = u_x(x,y,z) + (Fx(x,y,z)+Sx(x,y,z))/2.d0/ rho(x,y,z)
upy(x,y,z) = u_y(x,y,z) + (Fy(x,y,z)+Sy(x,y,z))/2.d0/ rho(x,y,z)
upz(x,y,z) = u_z(x,y,z) + (Fz(x,y,z)+Sz(x,y,z))/2.d0/ rho(x,y,z)
upx(x,y,z) = u_x(x,y,z)
upy(x,y,z) = u_y(x,y,z)
upz(x,y,z) = u_z(x,y,z)
11 continue
10 continue
9 continue

subroutine collision(tauc,obst,u_x,u_y,u_z,
& rho,ff,Fx,Fy,Fz, Sx, Sy, Sz)
implicit none
include “head.inc”
integer l,obst(lx,ly,lz)
real8 u_x(lx,ly,lz),u_y(lx,ly,lz),ff(0:18,lx,ly,lz),rho(lx,ly,lz)
8 Fx(lx,ly,lz),Fy(lx,ly,lz), Sx(lx,ly,lz), Sy(lx,ly,lz)
real8 Fz(lx,ly,lz),u_z(lx,ly,lz),Sz(lx,ly,lz),temp(18)
integer x,y,z,k
8 u_n(0:18),fequ(0:18),fequ2(0:18),u_squ,tauc,ux,uy,uz

do 4 z = 1, lz
do 5 y = 1, ly
do 6 x = 1, lx

if(obst(x,y,z) .eq. 1) then
do k =1, 18
temp(k) =ff(k,x,y,z)
do k =1, 18
ff(opp(k),x,y,z) = temp(k)
if(obst(x,y,z) .eq. 0) then
ux = u_x(x,y,z) +tauc * ( Fx(x,y,z)+Sx(x,y,z) ) / rho(x,y,z)
uy = u_y(x,y,z) +tauc * ( Fy(x,y,z)+Sy(x,y,z) ) / rho(x,y,z)
uz = u_z(x,y,z) +tauc * ( Fz(x,y,z)+Sz(x,y,z) ) / rho(x,y,z)
u_squ = ux * ux + uy * uy +uz *uz
do 10 k = 0,18

c…Equillibrium distribution function
u_n(k) = xc(k)*ux + yc(k)uy + zc(k)uz
fequ(k) = t_k(k)
rho(x,y,z) * ( cc
u_n(k) / c_squ
& + (u_n(k)*cc) *(u_n(k)*cc) / (2.d0 * c_squ *c_squ)
& - u_squ / (2.d0 * c_squ)) + t_k(k) * rho(x,y,z)

c…Collision step
ff(k,x,y,z) = fequ(k) + (1.d0-1.d0/tauc)*(ff(k,x,y,z) -fequ(k))
10 continue

6 continue
5 continue
4 continue

subroutine getf_equ(rh,u,v,w,f_equ)
include ’head.inc’
real8 rh, u,v,w,u_squ, f_equ(0:18),u_n(0:18)
u_squ =u
u +vv +ww

do 10 i =0,18

u_n(i) = u *xc(i) +v *yc(i)+ w *zc(i)
f_equ(i) = t_k(i) * rh *( u_n(i)/c_squ
& + u_n(i) *u_n(i) / (2.d0 * c_squ *c_squ)
& - u_squ / (2.d0 * c_squ)) + t_k(i) * rh

10 continue

c force.for
subroutine calcu_Fxy(obst,rho,Fx,Fy,Fz,Sx,Sy,Sz,p)
implicit none
include “head.inc”
integer x,y,z,obst(lx,ly,lz),yn,yp,xn,xp,zp,zn, i,j,k
real*8 Fx(lx,ly,lz),Fy(lx,ly,lz),Fz(lx,ly,lz)
& ,psx(lx,ly,lz), sum_x, sum_y, sum_z, psx_w
& ,rho(lx,ly,lz), Sx(lx,ly,lz), Sy(lx,ly,lz), Sz(lx,ly,lz)
& , Fztemp, R,a,b, Tc, TT, alfa, omega, G1,p(lx,ly,lz)

! Parameters in YUAN C-S EOS
R = 1.0d0
b = 4.d0
a = 1.d0
Tc = 0.3773d0a/(bR)
TT= TT0 Tc
do 4 k = 1,lz
do 5 j = 1,ly
do 6 i = 1,lx
if (obst(i,j,k ) .eq. 0 .and. rho(i,j,k).ne. 0.d0) then
if( (R
& (1.d0+(4.d0* rho(i,j,k)-2.d0* rho(i,j,k)* rho(i,j,k)
& )/(1.d0- rho(i,j,k))3 )
& -a
rho(i,j,k) -1.d0/3.d0) .gt. 0.) then
G1= 1.d0/3.d0
G1= -1.d0/3.d0
psx(i,j,k) = sqrt( 6.d0
rho(i,j,k) * ( RTT
& (1.d0+ (4.d0* rho(i,j,k)-2.d0*rho(i,j,k)*rho(i,j,k) )
& /(1.d0-rho(i,j,k))*3 )
& -a
rho(i,j,k) -1.d0/3.d0)
& /G1 )
c Yuan C-S EOS
p(i,j,k) = rho(i,j,k)/3.d0 + G1/6.d0 * psx(i,j,k) *psx(i,j,k)
6 continue
5 continue
4 continue

psx_w = sqrt( 6.d0* rho_w * ( R*TT*
& (1.d0+ (4.d0* rho_w-2.d0*rho_w * rho_w )
& /(1.d0- rho_w)**3 )
Single-component multiphase Shan–Chen-type model 69
& -a* rho_w -1.d0/3.d0)
& /G1 )

do 30 z = 1,lz
do 20 y = 1,ly
do 10 x = 1,lx

c…interaction between neighbouring with periodic boundaries
Fx(x,y,z) =0.d0
Fy(x,y,z) =0.d0
Fz(x,y,z) =0.d0
if (obst(x,y,z) .eq. 0) then
sum_x = 0.d0
sum_y = 0.d0
sum_z = 0.d0
do 11 k =1, 18
if(xp .lt. 1) xp = lx
if(xp .gt. lx) xp =1
if(yp .lt. 1) yp = ly
if(yp .gt. ly) yp =1
if(zp .lt. 1) zp = lz
if(zp .gt. lz) zp =1
if (obst(xp,yp,zp) .eq. 1) then
! Interact with solid nodes (obst=1)
sum_x = sum_x + t_k(k)*xc(k)
sum_y = sum_y + t_k(k)*yc(k)
sum_z = sum_z + t_k(k)zc(k)
! Interact with fluid nodes (obst=0)
Fx(x,y,z)=Fx(x,y,z) +t_k(k)xc(k) psx(xp,yp,zp)
Fy(x,y,z)=Fy(x,y,z) +t_k(k)yc(k) psx(xp,yp,zp)
Fz(x,y,z)=Fz(x,y,z) +t_k(k)zc(k) psx(xp,yp,zp)
11 continue
! Final wall-fluid interaction
Sx(x,y,z) = -G1
sum_x *psx(x,y,z) psx_w
Sy(x,y,z) = -G1
sum_y *psx(x,y,z) psx_w
Sz(x,y,z) = -G1
sum_z *psx(x,y,z) *psx_w
! Final fluid-fluid interaction
Fx (x,y,z)= -G1 psx (x,y,z) Fx(x,y,z)
Fy (x,y,z)= -G1 psx (x,y,z) Fy(x,y,z)
Fz (x,y,z)= -G1 psx (x,y,z) Fz(x,y,z)
10 continue
20 continue
30 continue

c output.for
subroutine write_results2(obst,rho,p,upx,upy,upz, n)
implicit none
include “head.inc”
integer x,y,z,i,n
real8 rho(lx,ly,lz),upx(lx,ly,lz),upy(lx,ly,lz)
8 upz(lx,ly,lz), p(lx,ly,lz)
integer obst(lx,ly,lz)
character filename16, B6
write(B,’(i6.6)’) n
write(41,) ’variables = x, y, z, rho, upx, upy, upz, p, obst’
) ’zone i=’, lx, ’, j=’, ly, ’, k=’, lz, ’, f=point’
do 10 z = 1, lz
do 10 y = 1, ly
do 10 x = 1, lx
write(41,9) x, y, z, rho(x,y,z),
& upx(x,y,z), upy(x,y,z), upz(x,y,z),
& p(x,y,z), obst(x,y,z)

10 continue
9 format(3i4, 5f15.8, i4)
c params.in
15. ! RR droplet radius
0.12 ! rho_w, density of wall
1.0 ! tau(1)
10000 ! maximum time step
500 ! Nwri: output every Nwri time steps!