Getting started with Palabos - v. 0.7 doesn't compile with Code::Blocks

Hi everyone,
I hope this is the right section of the forum.

I installed Code::Blocks 10.05 and tried to build and run Palabos v. 0.6, Release 2 and v.0.7.
While everything for v. 0.6 worked just fine, building v. 0.7 produced the following error-code:

obj\Release\src\core\blockIdentifiers.o:blockIdentifiers.cpp|| multiple definition of plb::identifiers::BlockId plb::identifiers::getScalarId<float>()'| obj\Release\src\core\blockIdentifiers.o:blockIdentifiers.cpp|| multiple definition ofplb::identifiers::BlockId plb::identifiers::getScalarId()’|
obj\Release\src\core\blockIdentifiers.o:blockIdentifiers.cpp|| multiple definition of plb::identifiers::BlockId plb::identifiers::getTensorId<float, 2>()'| obj\Release\src\core\blockIdentifiers.o:blockIdentifiers.cpp|| multiple definition ofplb::identifiers::BlockId plb::identifiers::getTensorId<double, 2>()’|
obj\Release\src\core\blockIdentifiers.o:blockIdentifiers.cpp|| multiple definition of `plb::identifiers::BlockId plb::identifiers::getLatticeId<double, plb::descriptors::D2Q9Descriptor>()’|
||=== Build finished: 5 errors, 0 warnings ===|

I don’t really understand the problem. Is there a way to solve this in short time?
Thanks in advance.

Well the method-definitions in the blockidentifiers header file seem to be the problem.
Put them inline and everything seems to work just fine.