Erroneous results of the code

Hi Dear,

I tried to write my first ever LBM code to simulate 2D-cavity but it is producing erroneous results infact meaning less, wrong results. I have pasted the whole code and need comments and suggestions how to make it run with good/appropriate results. An urgent help is required. The code:

program lbe2d

use globalparameters
use intialization
use boundaryconditions
use macroscopicvariables

implicit none

integer :: time, i
character (len=30) :: format
integer, parameter :: iterations = 1000
 real*8 :: uu

!> allocate dimensions for dynamic arrays
allocate(f(nx,ny,npop), feq(nx,ny,npop), ftemp(nx,ny,npop), rho(nx,ny), u(nx,ny), v(nx,ny))
nu = (2.0d0*tau-1)/6.0d0
uinf = 0.1d0
do i = 1, nx
u(i,ny) = uinf

print*, u(:,ny)

! Initialization
call initialize
! main loop for time marching
time = 0
timeStep: do
time = time + 1
call streaming
call collision
call bounceback
call macrovar
call compute_feq

    write(6,'(i6,a2,3(e16.8,a2))') time,' ', u(nx/2, ny/2)
    if (time == iterations) exit
enddo timeStep

deallocate(f, feq, ftemp, rho, u, v)
end program lbe2d

module globalparameters

     implicit none
    real*8, parameter                       :: pi = 4.0d0 * atan(1.0d0)
    real*8, parameter                       :: quarter_pi = atan(1.0d0)
    real*8, parameter                       :: cs = 1.0d0/dsqrt(3.0d0)
    real*8, parameter                       :: rho0 = 1.0d0, u0 = 0.0d0, v0 = 0.0d0, tau = 0.6d0
    integer, parameter                      :: nx = 128, ny = 128, npop = 9
    real*8, parameter, dimension(npop)      :: weights = (/4.d0/9.d0, 1.d0/9.d0, 1.d0/9.d0, 1.d0/9.d0, 1.d0/9.d0,  &
                                                     1.d0/36.d0, 1.d0/36.d0, 1.d0/36.d0, 1.d0/36.d0/)
    real*8, parameter, dimension(npop)      :: ex  = (/0, 1, 1, 0, -1, -1, -1,  0,  1/)  
    real*8, parameter, dimension(npop)      :: ey  = (/0, 0, 1, 1,  1,  0, -1, -1, -1/)
    real*8                                  :: nu, uinf
    real*8, allocatable, dimension(:,:)     :: u, v, rho, p
    real*8, allocatable, dimension(:,:,:)   :: f, feq, ftemp
    end module globalParameters

module intialization
!> Initialization subroutine:
use globalparameters

implicit none


subroutine initialize

implicit none
integer:: x, y
character (len=30) :: format
rho = rho0
u = u0
v = v0

!> Calling “compute_feq” subroutine to compute the equilibrium distribution function feq.
call compute_feq
!> Set the initial distribution function to feq i.e. f = feq
f = feq

end subroutine initialize  

!> This subroutine computes the local equilibrium distribution function.
!> Equilibrium distribution function at all node points based on the
!> current velocity and density fields.
subroutine compute_feq

implicit none    
integer :: ie

do ie = 1, npop       
    feq(:,:,ie) = weights(ie)*rho(:,:) * (1.0d0 + 3.0d0*(ex(ie)*u(:,:) + ey(ie)*v(:,:))         &
                + (9.0d0/2.0d0)*(ex(ie)*u(:,:) + ey(ie)*v(:,:))*(ex(ie)*u(:,:) + ey(ie)*v(:,:)) &
                - (3.0d0/2.0d0)*(u(:,:)*u(:,:) + v(:,:)*v(:,:)))

end subroutine compute_feq  

!> This subroutine updates the f field at all node points i.e. Streaming

subroutine streaming

implicit none
integer:: ie, x, y, x1, y1

do ie = 1, npop
    do y = 1, ny
        do x = 1, nx
            x1 = 1 + modulo(x - 1 + int(ex(ie)) + nx, nx)
            y1 = 1 + modulo(y - 1 + int(ey(ie)) + ny, ny)
            ftemp(x1,y1,ie) = f(x,y,ie)

end subroutine streaming

!> Collision

subroutine collision

implicit none
integer :: ie

do ie = 1, npop        
    ftemp(:,:,ie) = f(:,:,ie) - (f(:,:,ie) - feq(:,:,ie))/tau
end subroutine collision

!> End of module initialization
end module intialization

module boundaryconditions
    use globalparameters

!> 5 4 3  ^y
!>  \|/   |   x
!> 6-1-2   --->
!>  /|\
!> 7 8 9        
    subroutine bounceback
! this is for no-slip boundary with Bounce back scheme    
    implicit none
    integer :: ie
    ! for lower boundary
    do ie = 3, 5
        ftemp(:,1,ie) = ftemp(:,1,ie+4)
    ! for upper boundary
    do ie = 7, 9
        ftemp(:,ny,ie) = ftemp(:,ny,ie-4)
    ! right side boundary
    do ie = 5, 7
        if (ie == 5) then
             ftemp(1,:,ie) = ftemp(1,:,ie+4)
            ftemp(1,:,ie) = ftemp(1,:,ie-4)
    ! left side boundary
    do ie = 2, 3
        ftemp(nx,:,ie) = ftemp(nx,:,ie+4)
    ftemp(nx,:,9) = ftemp(nx,:,5)
    end subroutine bounceback
end module boundaryconditions

!> This module computes physical/macroscopic variables, i.e. rho, u, and v
module macroscopicvariables
use globalParameters
use intialization
use boundaryconditions


subroutine macrovar

implicit none
integer:: ie

!> Set the distribution function f
f = ftemp

rho = 0.0d0
u   = 0.0d0
v   = 0.0d0

do ie = 1, npop
    rho(:,:) = f(:,:,ie)
    u(:,:)   = u(:,:)   + ex(ie)*f(:,:,ie)
    v(:,:)   = v(:,:)   + ey(ie)*f(:,:,ie)
p = rho*cs*cs
u = u/rho0
v = v/rho0

end subroutine macrovar

end module macroscopicVariables