Visual C++ (Visual Studio 2013)


I am new to Palabos and C++ but still I managed to run Palabos under Visual Studio 2013. This is how I did it:

  • create Win32 Project, click on next and choose Static library, untick Precompiled header and SDL checks, click on finish

  • from Palabos dir copy src and externalLibraries into the project folder (where *.vcxproj is)

  • click on show all files in Solution explorer

  • in solution explorer -> right click on src and externalLibraries folder -> include in project

  • in solution explorer -> right click on the project -> Properties -> set Configuration (top left) -> All Configurations

  • in the project properties -> C++ -> Advanced -> Forced Include File -> set to: algorithm

  • in the project properties -> C++ -> General -> Additional Include Directories -> set to: $(ProjectDir)\externalLibraries;$(ProjectDir)\src

  • replace all occurrences of fseeko64 with _fseeki64 (4 occurrences in total)

  • in externalLibraries\Eigen\src\QR\QrInstantiations.cpp replace all “template static void” with “template void”

  • in externalLibraries\Eigen\src\Core\CoreInstantiations.cpp replace “template static void” with “template void”

  • in src\dataProcessors\metaStuffFunctional2D.hh replace ExtractDynamicsChainFunctional2D<T,Descriptor>::DMap with std::map<std::vector, int, VectorIsLess>

  • compile (ctrl + shift + B) - it should compile fine

  • in solution explorer -> right click on the solution -> add -> new project -> win32 console application

  • in solution explorer -> right click on the new project -> Properties -> set Configuration (top left) -> All Configurations

  • in the project properties -> C++ -> General -> Additional Include Directories -> set to: $(SolutionDir)\Palabos\src;$(SolutionDir)\Palabos\externalLibraries where Palabos is the name of the first project

  • in the project properties -> C++ -> Advanced -> Forced Include File -> set to: algorithm

  • in the project properties -> Common properties -> References -> Add new reference -> tick the first project

  • in solution explorer -> right click on the new project -> set as startup project

  • add any cpp (tutorial etc)

  • build and run

You can download the project here:

Do you see any problematic parts?

when i click on palabos>palabos>release>task; the applications is writing GIF files at iT=…
question is where i will find those GIF files?
thank you

abdulla, as I see you use VS 2013. :slight_smile: The point is that Palabos doesn’t produce gif files at all. It only produces netpbm files which are actually text files. After that it runs some ImageMagick executables to convert pbm files into gif files. This approach works on Linux but causes some troubles on Windows. However, in both cases you need either to install ImageMagik or to modify the Palabos code.

Dear czb:
Thank you for your share.and i successfully compiled the palabos code with visual studio 2013 .but i do not know how to make it wroks in parallel mode. I means I can’t understand how to make palabos use all CPU cores instead of running in a single thread mode .Can you help me?