Unit conversion for applied pressure gradient

After I started with openLB, unit conversion gave me quite some headache for a while, so I decided to grab all the things I need together and form a small library out of it, and therefore never have to take a look at it again - as long as it works hopefully :slight_smile:

Although the class is very small at the moment and only usefull for an applied pressure gradient, I post it here in case anybody else might find it usefull.

It’s basically very simple:

the class Units inherits from IncomprFlowParam and therefore it replaces it in the code.

So that’s what the code can look like - instead of the IncomprFlowParam:

// Define physical and numerical units
	Units<T> units (
		(T) (4.E-3),						// lx_p		[m]
		(T) 4.E-3,				        	// ly_p		[m]
		(T) (4.E-3),						// lref_p	[m]
		(T) (5.E-6)/7.,						// visc_p	[m²s?¹]
		(T) 7000.,						// rho_p	[kg m?³]
		(T) 0.01,						// Pressure gradient [Pa m?¹]
		(T) 0.9,						// force tau to 0.9
		200							// Lattice Cells



a more detailed units file is written. Also I intend to add some post-processing calculations to the library, but at the moment there exists only one.
There are 3 Constructors available, whit 2 very simple ones. The third one is the one I use - because with it you can directly define the value of tau.

As you can see in the code, there are a few values which are always 1, and don’t do anything. I just added them since I followed J. Latts paper on unit conversion when I wrote it, and added them just in case :slight_smile:

So far, it’s only for 2D, but I plan to add 3D as well.

Also, I really don’t like the way I coded the call of the IncomprFlowParam - Constructor - but I can’t think of another :frowning: so if anybody knows a better way to solve this please let me know :slight_smile:

Here is the code:

 ** Units conversion for the Palabos library.
 ** Author: Christian Hoelzl, christian.hoelzl@unileoben.ac.at


#include <iostream>
#include "palabos2D.h"
#include <cmath>

using namespace plb;
using namespace plb::util;
using namespace std;

#define DESCRIPTOR descriptors::ForcedD2Q9Descriptor

typedef double T;

*	Class: Units															*
*	Offers different Constructors to simplify unit conversion.									*
*	At the moment, only works for an applied pressure gradient.									*
*																	*
template <typename T>
class Units : public plb::IncomprFlowParam<T> {
	plint tSave;
	//Variables in physical units
	T lx_p;				// lenght in x-direction 				[m]
	T ly_p;				// lenght in y-direction 				[m]
	T lref_p;			// reference lenght					[m]
	T tref_p;			// reference time					[s]
	T uref_p;			// reference velocity					[ms?¹]
	T visc_p;			// kinematic viscosity of the liquid			[m²s?¹]
	T rho_p;			// Density						[kg m?³]
	T pgrad_p;			// pressure gradient					[Pa/m]
	T dp_p;				// pressure difference along x-axis			[Pa] bzw. [kgm?¹s?²]	= lx_p * pgrad_p
	T Re;				// Reynolds-number					[]
	T lx_d;			// dimensionless lenght in x-direction			=	lx_p / lref_p
	T ly_d;			// dimensionless lenght in y-direction			=	ly_p / lref_p
	T lref_d;		// dimensionless reference lenght (is always 1) 	=	1
	T tref_d;		// dimensionless reference time	(is always 1)		=	1
	T uref_d;		// dimensionless reference velocity(is always 1)	=	lref_d / t_d = 1 !!
	T visc_d;		// dimensionless kinematic viscosity 			=	1 / Re
	T dp_d;			// dimensionless pressure difference			=	1 / rho_p * tref_p² / lref_p² * dp_p

	//Lattice units:
	plint N;			// Number of lattice cells per reference lenght
	T xstep_lb;			// discrete space intervall		=	1 / N
	T tstep_lb;			// discrete timestep			=	1 / N_iter
	T uref_lb;			// velocity in LB units			=	tstep_lb / xstep_lb or	= N / N_iter
	T dp_lb;			// pressure difference in LB units	=	tstep_lb² / xstep_lb² * dp_d
	T K;				// applied Force per LB lattice cell	=	dp_lb / N
	T rho_lb;			// Density in LB units 			=	1
	T visc_lb;			// Viscosity in LB units		=	tstep_lb / xstep_lb² * visc_d
	T visc_plb;			// Viscosity calculated by Palabos	=	plb::IncomprFlowParam<T>::getLatticeNu()
	T tau_lb;			// Tau of the LB system			=	3 * visc_lb + 0.5
	T tau_plb;			// Tau calculated by Palabos		=	plb::IncomprFlowParam<T>::getTau()
	T omega_lb;			// Omega of the LB system		=	1 / tau_lb
	T omega_plb;			// Omega calculated by Palabos		=	plb::IncomprFlowParam<T>::getOmega()

	Units(T lx_p_, T ly_p_, T visc_p_, T rho_p_, T pgrad_p_, plint N_);
	Units(T lx_p_, T ly_p_, T lref_p_, T visc_p_, T rho_p_, T pgrad_p_, plint N_);
	Units(T lx_p_, T ly_p_, T lref_p, T visc_p_, T rho_p_, T pgrad_p_, T tau_lb_, plint N_);
	void WriteUnitsFile(string fName);
	void WriteInletVelocity ( string fName, MultiBlockLattice2D<T, DESCRIPTOR>& lattice, T deltaE);
	T get_dp_p() { return dp_p; }
	T get_K()	{ return K; }
	//void Units<T>WriteMyLogFile (Units<T> const& parameters, std::string const& title)

*	Constructor:	(lx_p_, ly_p_, visc_p_, rho_p_, pgrad_p_, N_)									*
*																	*
*	This is the most simple constructor. The lattice velocity will be calculated from the relation between the timestep and the	*
*	space intervall:  tstep_lb = xstep_lb². 											*
*	the reference lenght lref_p is the lenght in x-direction:		lref_p 		= lx_p					*
*										lx_d 		= lx_p / lref_p				*
*										lref_d 		= lx_d	( =1)				*
*																	*
*	With only N_ as input parameter for the lattice, u_lb will be calculated from u_lb = tstep_lb / xstep_lb			*
*																	*
*						-> the relation tstep_lb = xstep_lb² directly leads to u_lb = 1 / N			*
*																	*
*	IncomprFlowParam		(T latticeU_, T Re_, plint resolution_, T lx_, T ly_, T lz_=T())				*
template <typename T>
Units<T>::Units(T lx_p_, T ly_p_, T visc_p_, T rho_p_, T pgrad_p_, plint N_) : 
		plb::IncomprFlowParam<T>	((T) 1. / N_,											// Lattice velocity
		sqrt(2*lx_p_*pgrad_p_ / rho_p_) * lx_p_ / visc_p_,		// Reynoldsnumber
		N_,								// number of lattice cells per reference lenght
		1,								// lx, in this case also the reference lenght
		ly_p_ / lx_p_)							// ly

// Input variables 
lx_p 	= lx_p_; 					// physical length along x-axis
ly_p 	= ly_p_;					// physical lenght along y-axis
visc_p 	= visc_p_;					// physical viscosity
rho_p 	= rho_p_;					// physical density
pgrad_p = pgrad_p_;					// physical pressure gradient
uref_lb = (T) 1. / N_;					// velocity in LB units
N 		= N_;					// Number of Lattice Cells per reference lenght

lref_p = lx_p_;						// reference lenght

//Variables in physical units
dp_p		=	 lx_p * pgrad_p;				// kg/(m s^2) = 1 Pa
uref_p		=	 sqrt(2*dp_p/rho_p);				// m/s	reference velocity
tref_p		=	 lref_p / uref_p;				// s		reference time
Re		=	 uref_p * lref_p / visc_p;		// Reynolds number

lx_d	= 	lx_p/lref_p;					// dimensionless length in x-direction, in this case = 1
ly_d	= 	ly_p/lref_p;					// dimensionless lenght in y-direction
uref_d	= 	tref_p/lref_p * uref_p;				// dimensionless velocity (= 1 !!)
visc_d	= 	1./Re;						// dimensionless viscosity

dp_d 	=	1./rho_p * (tref_p*tref_p) / (lref_p * lref_p) * dp_p;		// dimensionless pressure difference
lref_d	=	lx_d;								// dimensionless reference lenght, is always 1
tref_d 	=	1;								// dimensionless reference time, also always 1

//Lattice units:
tstep_lb	=	plb::IncomprFlowParam<T>::getDeltaT();				// get the timestep from IncomprFlowParam
xstep_lb 	=	plb::IncomprFlowParam<T>::getDeltaX();				// same for the discrete space intervall
dp_lb		=	tstep_lb*tstep_lb / (xstep_lb * xstep_lb) * dp_d;		// calculate the pressure difference in LB units
K		=	dp_lb / N;							// and finally the value for the applied external force
rho_lb		=	1.;								// LB density = 1 !!
visc_lb		=	tstep_lb / (xstep_lb * xstep_lb) * visc_d;			// viscosity in LB units, to calculate tau
visc_plb	=	plb::IncomprFlowParam<T>::getLatticeNu();			// compare the value with palabos result
tau_lb		=	3.*visc_lb + 0.5;						// LB constant for the simulation, where 3 = 1/(soundspeed)² in the LB system
tau_plb		=	plb::IncomprFlowParam<T>::getTau();				// compare the value with palabos result
omega_lb	=	1./tau_lb;							// omega from tau
omega_plb	=	plb::IncomprFlowParam<T>::getOmega();				// compare the value with palabos result

*	Reference Lenght <lref_p> is an required input value for this constructor:							*
*																	*
*	lref_p 		= input value lref_p_												*
*	lx_d 		= lx_p / lref_p													*
*	lref_d 		= lx_d														*
*																	*
template <typename T>
Units<T>::Units(T lx_p_, T ly_p_, T lref_p_, T visc_p_, T rho_p_, T pgrad_p_, plint N_) : 
		plb::IncomprFlowParam<T>	((T) 1. / N_,		// Lattice velocity
		sqrt(2*lx_p_*pgrad_p_ / rho_p_) * lref_p_ / visc_p_,	// Reynoldsnumber
		N_,							// number of lattice cells per reference lenght
		lx_p_ / lref_p_,					// lx_d = dimensionless lenght in x-direction
		ly_p_ / lref_p_)					// ly_d = dimensionless lenght in y-direction

// Input variables 
lx_p 	= lx_p_; 					// physical length along x-axis
ly_p 	= ly_p_;					// physical lenght along y-axis
visc_p 	= visc_p_;					// physical viscosity
rho_p 	= rho_p_;					// physical density
pgrad_p = pgrad_p_;					// physical pressure gradient
uref_lb = (T) 1. / N_;					// velocity in LB units
N 		= N_;					// Number of Lattice Cells per reference lenght

lref_p = lref_p_;					// reference lenght

//Variables in physical units
dp_p		=	 lx_p * pgrad_p;				// kg/(m s^2) = 1 Pa
uref_p		=	 sqrt(2*dp_p/rho_p);				// m/s	reference velocity
tref_p		=	 lref_p / uref_p;				// s		reference time
Re			=	 uref_p * lref_p / visc_p;		// Reynolds number

lx_d	= 	lx_p/lref_p;					// dimensionless length in x-direction, in this case = 1
ly_d	= 	ly_p/lref_p;					// dimensionless lenght in y-direction
uref_d	= 	tref_p/lref_p * uref_p;				// dimensionless velocity (= 1 !!)
visc_d	= 	1./Re;								// dimensionless viscosity

dp_d 	=	1./rho_p * (tref_p*tref_p) / (lref_p * lref_p) * dp_p;		// dimensionless pressure difference
lref_d	=	1;								// dimensionless reference lenght, is always 1
tref_d 	=	1;								// dimensionless reference time, also always 1

//Lattice units:
tstep_lb	=	plb::IncomprFlowParam<T>::getDeltaT();			// get the timestep from IncomprFlowParam
xstep_lb 	=	plb::IncomprFlowParam<T>::getDeltaX();			// same for the discrete space intervall
dp_lb		=	tstep_lb*tstep_lb / (xstep_lb * xstep_lb) * dp_d;	// calculate the pressure difference in LB units
K			=	dp_lb / N;					// and finally the value for the applied external force
rho_lb		=	1.;							// LB density = 1 !!
visc_lb		=	tstep_lb / (xstep_lb * xstep_lb) * visc_d;		// viscosity in LB units, to calculate tau
visc_plb	=	plb::IncomprFlowParam<T>::getLatticeNu();		// compare the value with palabos result
tau_lb		=	3.*visc_lb + 0.5;					// LB constant for the simulation, where 3 = 1/(soundspeed)² in the LB system
tau_plb		=	plb::IncomprFlowParam<T>::getTau();			// compare the value with palabos result
omega_lb	=	1./tau_lb;						// omega from tau
omega_plb	=	plb::IncomprFlowParam<T>::getOmega();			// compare the value with palabos result

*	Constructor:	(lx_p_, ly_p_, visc_p_, rho_p_, pgrad_p_, u_lb_, N_)								*
*																	*
*	the reference lenght lref_p is the lenght in x-direction:		lref_p 		= lx_p					*
*										lx_d 		= lx_p / lref_p				*
*										lref_d 		= lx_d	( =1)				*
*																	*
*	Tau is an input parameter. Therefore the lattice velocity uref_lb is calculated.						*
*	with:																*
*			visc_d = 1 / Re = visc_p / (uref_p * lref_p),		uref_p = sqrt(2 * lx_p * pgrad_p / rho_p)		*
*			visc_d = xstep_lb² / tstep_lb * visc_lb,		xstep_lb = 1 / N					*
*			uref_lb = tstep_lb / xstep_lb											*
*																	*
*			->	uref_lb = ( (tau_lb - 0.5) * sqrt(2 * lx_p * pgrad_p / rho_p) * lref_p ) / (3 * N * visc_p)		*
*	IncomprFlowParam		(T latticeU_, T Re_, plint resolution_, T lx_, T ly_, T lz_=T())				*
template <typename T>
Units<T>::Units(T lx_p_, T ly_p_, T lref_p_, T visc_p_, T rho_p_, T pgrad_p_, T tau_lb_, plint N_) : 
		plb::IncomprFlowParam<T>	( ( (tau_lb_ - 0.5) * sqrt(2.*lx_p_*pgrad_p_ / rho_p_) * lref_p_) / (3. * (T) N_ * visc_p_),														// Lattice velocity
		sqrt(2*lx_p_*pgrad_p_ / rho_p_) * lref_p_ / visc_p_,		// Reynoldsnumber
		N_,								// number of lattice cells per reference lenght
		lx_p_ / lref_p_,						// lx, in this case also the reference lenght
		ly_p_ / lref_p_)						// ly

// Input variables 
lx_p 	= lx_p_; 						// physical length along x-axis
ly_p 	= ly_p_;						// physical lenght along y-axis
lref_p	= lref_p_;						// reference lenght
visc_p 	= visc_p_;						// physical viscosity
rho_p 	= rho_p_;						// physical density
pgrad_p = pgrad_p_;						// physical pressure gradient
tau_lb = tau_lb_;						// tau
N 		= N_;						// Number of Lattice Cells per reference lenght

uref_lb = ( (tau_lb_ - 0.5) * sqrt(2.*lx_p_*pgrad_p_ / rho_p_) * lref_p_) / (3. * (T) N_ * visc_p_);

cout << plb::IncomprFlowParam<T>::getLatticeU() << endl;

//Variables in physical units
dp_p		=	 lx_p * pgrad_p;				// kg/(m s^2) = 1 Pa
uref_p		=	 sqrt(2.*dp_p/rho_p);				// m/s	reference velocity
tref_p		=	 lref_p / uref_p;				// s		reference time
Re			=	 uref_p * lref_p / visc_p;		// Reynolds number

lx_d	= 	lx_p/lref_p;					// dimensionless length in x-direction, in this case = 1
ly_d	= 	ly_p/lref_p;					// dimensionless lenght in y-direction
uref_d	= 	tref_p/lref_p * uref_p;				// dimensionless velocity (= 1 !!)
visc_d	= 	1./Re;						// dimensionless viscosity

dp_d 	=	1./rho_p * (tref_p*tref_p) / (lref_p * lref_p) * dp_p;		// dimensionless pressure difference
lref_d	=	1;								// dimensionless reference lenght, is always 1
tref_d 	=	1;								// dimensionless reference time, also always 1

//Lattice units:
tstep_lb	=	plb::IncomprFlowParam<T>::getDeltaT();			// get the timestep from IncomprFlowParam
xstep_lb 	=	plb::IncomprFlowParam<T>::getDeltaX();			// same for the discrete space intervall
dp_lb		=	tstep_lb*tstep_lb / (xstep_lb * xstep_lb) * dp_d;	// calculate the pressure difference in LB units
K			=	dp_lb / N;					// and finally the value for the applied external force
rho_lb		=	1.;							// LB density = 1 !!
visc_lb		=	tstep_lb / (xstep_lb * xstep_lb) * visc_d;		// viscosity in LB units, to calculate tau
visc_plb	=	plb::IncomprFlowParam<T>::getLatticeNu();		// compare the value with palabos result
tau_lb		=	3.*visc_lb + 0.5;					// LB constant for the simulation, where 3 = 1/(soundspeed)² in the LB system
tau_plb		=	plb::IncomprFlowParam<T>::getTau();			// compare the value with palabos result
omega_lb	=	1./tau_lb;						// omega from tau
omega_plb	=	plb::IncomprFlowParam<T>::getOmega();			// compare the value with palabos result

template <typename T>
void Units<T>::WriteUnitsFile(string fName)

std::string fullName = global::directories().getLogOutDir() + fName.c_str();
plb_ofstream variablesOut(fullName.c_str());

variablesOut << "Variables used in Simulation: " << endl;
variablesOut << "---------------------------------------" << endl << endl;
variablesOut << "Physical Units: " << endl << endl;
variablesOut << "Lenght in x-direction:		lx_p 	=	" << setw(15) << setfill(' ') << lx_p << "		[m]" << endl;
variablesOut << "Lenght in y-direction:		ly_p 	=	" << setw(15) << setfill(' ') << ly_p << "		[m]" << endl;
variablesOut << "Reference lenght		lref_p 	=	" << setw(15) << setfill(' ') << lref_p << "		[m]" << endl;
variablesOut << "Reference time			tref_p 	=	" << setw(15) << setfill(' ') << tref_p << "		[s]" << endl;
variablesOut << "Reference velocity		uref_p 	=	" << setw(15) << setfill(' ') << uref_p << "		[m/s]" << endl;
variablesOut << "Kinematic viscosity		visc_p 	=	" << setw(15) << setfill(' ') << visc_p << "		[m^2/s]" << endl;
variablesOut << "Density			rho_p 	=	" << setw(15) << setfill(' ') << rho_p << "		[kg/m^3]" << endl;
variablesOut << "Pressure gradient		pgrad_p =	" << setw(15) << setfill(' ') << pgrad_p << "		[Pa/m]" << endl;
variablesOut << "Pressure difference		dp_p	=	" << setw(15) << setfill(' ') << dp_p << "		[Pa]" << endl;
variablesOut << "Reynolds number		Re	=	" << setw(15) << setfill(' ') << Re << "		[]" << endl << endl << endl;

variablesOut << "Dimensionless Units: " << endl << endl;
variablesOut << "Length in x-direction:		lx_d	=	" << setw(15) << setfill(' ') << lx_d << endl;
variablesOut << "Lenght in y-direction:		ly_d	=	" << setw(15) << setfill(' ') << ly_d << endl;
variablesOut << "Reference lenght		lref_d	=	" << setw(15) << setfill(' ') << lref_d << endl;
variablesOut << "Reference time			tref_d	=	" << setw(15) << setfill(' ') << tref_d << endl;
variablesOut << "Reference velocity		uref_d	=	" << setw(15) << setfill(' ') << uref_d << endl;
variablesOut << "Kinematic viscosity		visc_d	=	" << setw(15) << setfill(' ') << visc_d << endl;
variablesOut << "Pressure difference		dp_d	=	" << setw(15) << setfill(' ') << dp_d << endl << endl << endl;

variablesOut << "Lattice Units: " << endl << endl;
variablesOut << "Lattice Cells in x-direction:	Nx	  =	" << setw(15) << setfill(' ') << plb::IncomprFlowParam<T>::getNx() << endl;
variablesOut << "Lattice Cells in y-direction:	Ny	  =	" << setw(15) << setfill(' ') << plb::IncomprFlowParam<T>::getNy() << endl;
variablesOut << "Discrete space Intervall	xstep_lb  =	" << setw(15) << setfill(' ') << xstep_lb << endl;
variablesOut << "Discrete time step		tstep_lb  =	" << setw(15) << setfill(' ') << tstep_lb << endl;
variablesOut << "Lattice Velocity		u_lb	  =	" << setw(15) << setfill(' ') << uref_lb << endl;
variablesOut << "Viscosity			visc_lb	  =	" << setw(15) << setfill(' ') << visc_lb << endl;
variablesOut << "Viscosity from Palabos		visc_plb  =	" << setw(15) << setfill(' ') << visc_plb << endl;
variablesOut << "Pressure difference		dp_lb	  =	" << setw(15) << setfill(' ') << dp_lb << endl;
variablesOut << "Applied force per Lattice cell	K	  =	" << setw(15) << setfill(' ') << K << endl;
variablesOut << "Tau 				tau_lb	  =	" << setw(15) << setfill(' ') << tau_lb << endl;
variablesOut << "Tau from Palabos		tau_plb	  =	" << setw(15) << setfill(' ') << tau_plb << endl;
variablesOut << "Omega				omega_lb  =	" << setw(15) << setfill(' ') << omega_lb << endl;
variablesOut << "Omega from Palabos		omega_plb =	" << setw(15) << setfill(' ') << omega_plb << endl;


template <typename T>
void Units<T>::WriteInletVelocity ( string fName,
                    MultiBlockLattice2D<T, DESCRIPTOR>& lattice, T error)
	std::string fullName = global::directories().getLogOutDir() + fName.c_str();
	plb_ofstream ofile(fullName.c_str());
	ofile << "Error at last step: " << error << endl;
	ofile << "iY[Lattice Cell Nr.]\t iY[Lattice Units]\t iY[m]\t ux_lb[Lattice Units]\t ux_d[dimless Units] uref_p[m/s]\n";

	for (int iY=0; iY<plb::IncomprFlowParam<T>::getNy(); ++iY)
		Array<T, 2> velocity;
		lattice.get(0, iY).computeVelocity(velocity);

		ofile << iY << " " << iY*xstep_lb << " " << iY*xstep_lb*lref_p << " " << velocity[0] << " " << velocity[0]*xstep_lb/tstep_lb <<
						" " << velocity[0]*xstep_lb/tstep_lb*lref_p/tref_p << "\n";


PS: I just looked at the code for some time and I think the descriptor definition at the begining is not required here.
Edith found some typos :slight_smile: