Shan-Chen model

Hi Orestis,

I am wondering how did you implement Shan-Chen model? In multiphysics files I found only some identifiers, which I can’t understand. Did you add force by shifting velocity or by guo method?

Thank you,

The Shan-Chen model is not implemented in the current release (0.4r3). There will be an announcement on this forum when the next release, including the Shan-Chen model, is out.

Dear Jonas,

Could you send me files if you have any ( In any case, I am starting writing the Shan-Chen model. But no point to write it twice :slight_smile:

Thank you,

I certainly understand your impatience, as these multi-component models are lovely to experiment with. But you’ll need to wait for the official release, because that’s the rule.

No problems with it,