Running ‘aneurysm’ on a computer with 8 cores

Dear all,
I have tried to run the example ‘aneurysm’ on a 8-core computer.But the procedure terminated just at the moment when the simulation at level 1 finished.The time of whole simulation process is less than one hour. The results of the procedure are listed on the terminal:

Average energy: 0.00131517
Total energy: 6.34572e-08
RMS vorticity * volume * 0.5: 0.000561371
Pressure drop: 11.1196
Average velocity through inlet section: 0.0716161
Number of iterations: 11061
Elapsed time: 1235.63
Total elapsed time: 1528.58
Description: Tot. energy, pressure-drop, tot. enstrophy, vel1, vort1, pres1, vel2, vort2, pres2, vel3, vort3, pres3, vel4, vort4, pres4, vel5, vort5, pres5, vel6, vort6, pres6
All data: 6.34572e-08, 11.1196, 0.000561371, Pos (0.022046,0.015072,0.044152); Velocity (-0.032866,-0.0032454,0.111717); Vorticity (20.6991,-6.31495,-7.42258); Pressure 7.35454
Pos (0.027132,0.049947,0.095012); Velocity (-0.0494577,0.0261674,0.0306445); Vorticity (4.22789,-3.32693,7.07093); Pressure 3.05897
Pos (0.034398,0.056487,0.057957); Velocity (0.0334174,0.013387,-0.058679); Vorticity (-12.7807,3.59339,-7.19415); Pressure 0.637167
Pos (0.031492,0.025971,0.084113); Velocity (0.00293598,-0.00346612,-0.0206913); Vorticity (-4.16595,3.53228,-4.54066); Pressure 7.01916
Pos (0.025679,0.025971,0.091379); Velocity (0.00208187,0.00831116,-0.0201109); Vorticity (6.65922,3.46255,-4.51355); Pressure 6.61098
Pos (0.018413,0.011439,0.076848); Velocity (-0.0121222,-0.013513,0.0289024); Vorticity (3.78954,11.1336,2.05032); Pressure 7.13545
0.116497, 22.8785, 7.35454, 0.0637957, 8.88491, 3.05897, 0.0688415, 15.1001, 0.637167, 0.021184, 7.1028, 7.01916, 0.02186, 8.75823, 6.61098, 0.0341306, 11.9382, 7.13545

These data are apparently different from those listed on the benchmarks of and the simulation terminated too early. I think the situation is quite abnormal and hope someone can give me some advice to handle it.

hoping someone can help :slight_smile:

Dear all,

I am using Palabos Version 1.0, Release 0.
The benchmarks indroducing the parallelism of ‘aneurysm’ have mentioned that the simulation is operated on the computer with at list 128 cores.
Is the early-terminating situation related to the insufficient function of my computer?
