Regularized LBM derivation and adaptive time stepping

I checked out eq 2.75, but as far as I can see he is defining the time step here. T time steps are used for a laps of time T* = 1, giving delta_t = 1 / T, which is the time step. delta_t is also used as the time step in chapter 4, for example, for converting the velocity from lattice units to physical units (eq. 4.1).

I’m sorry, I see I was a bit short there in my explanation. They are absolute errors of the density. I compute a reference density in the beginning of the simulation by summing the density of all cells. At each iteration I compute the total density of the fluid and subtract the reference density from this total density and define this as my error in the density.

[3] is defined a few posts earlier, it is:
Bo Liu and Arzhang Khalili, Lattice Boltzmann model for exterior flows with an annealing preconditioning method, PHYSICAL REVIEW E 79, 066701 (2009)

It has been a while since my last post, but I would like to continue this discussion on how to scale the momentum flux tensor, since I think we haven’t received a consensus on this topic. So anyone who has useful remarks on this, please post your remarks and insights.

I have used the code snippet above (thanks Bart) to generate my own 3D Fortran code (below)
I am new to regularization so would appreciate if anyone could take a look and advise if it looks ok.
I am assuming that “neq” and “f1” do not need to be stored as vectors in this case?

C     STEP6 - collision step (regularized RLBM approach)
      piNeq_xx = 0.0; piNeq_yy = 0.0; piNeq_zz = 0.0
      piNeq_xy = 0.0; piNeq_xz = 0.0; piNeq_yz = 0.0

      do n = 1,nvec

C       Compute off-equilibrium distribution function
        neq = fin(i,j,k,n) - feq(i,j,k,n)

C       Compute off-equilibrium momentum flux tensor
        piNeq_xx = piNeq_xx + neq*vec(n,1)*vec(n,1)
        piNeq_yy = piNeq_yy + neq*vec(n,2)*vec(n,2)
        piNeq_zz = piNeq_zz + neq*vec(n,3)*vec(n,3)
        piNeq_xy = piNeq_xy + neq*vec(n,1)*vec(n,2)
        piNeq_xz = piNeq_xz + neq*vec(n,1)*vec(n,3)
        piNeq_yz = piNeq_yz + neq*vec(n,2)*vec(n,3)


      do n = 1,nvec
C       Compute first-order term of distribution function
        Qixx = vec(n,1)*vec(n,1) - cs2
        Qiyy = vec(n,2)*vec(n,2) - cs2
        Qizz = vec(n,3)*vec(n,3) - cs2
        Qixy = vec(n,1)*vec(n,2)
        Qixz = vec(n,1)*vec(n,3)
        Qiyz = vec(n,2)*vec(n,3)

        f1   = ( wt(n) / (2.0*cs2*cs2) )*
     &         ( Qixx*piNeq_xx + Qiyy*piNeq_yy + Qizz*piNeq_zz
     &    + 2.0*(Qixy*piNeq_xy + Qixz*piNeq_xz + Qiyz*piNeq_yz) )

C       Replace fin by regularized counterpart
        fout(i,j,k,n) = feq(i,j,k,n) + (1.0-omega)*f1
