Need help on writing a data processor spits out a std::vector

Hi all,

It seems like I posted the same topic in a wrong place. Please pardon me leaving the same notes. The following is the post I made in LBM:algorithms section.

I don’t know if the forum is no longer active or not, but I would like to ask a question if anyone can help me writing a data processor.

I would like to have a data processor that spits out a std::vector that can be accessed outside of the data processor. Here is the code I wrote.

template<typename T, template class Descriptor>
class ComputeScatteredRho3D : public BoxProcessingFunctional3D_L<T,Descriptor>
ComputeScatteredRho3D(std::vector<std::vector > &locationVector_, std::vector &rhoVector_, plint len_)
: locationVector(locationVector_), rhoVector(rhoVector_), len(len_)
virtual void process(Box3D domain, BlockLattice3D<T,Descriptor> &lattice) {
for (plint i=0; i<len; ++i) {
plint iX = locationVector[i][0];
plint iY = locationVector[i][1];
plint iZ = locationVector[i][2];
rhoVector[i] = lattice.get(iX,iY,iZ).computeDensity();
void getRhoVector(std::vector &vect) {
for (plint i=0; i<len; ++i) {
vect[i] = rhoVector[i];
virtual ComputeScatteredRho3D<T,Descriptor>* clone() const {
return new ComputeScatteredRho3D<T,Descriptor>(*this);
void getTypeOfModification(std::vectormodif::ModifT& modified) const {
modified[0] = modif::nothing;
std::vector<std::vector > locationVector;
std::vector rhoVector;
plint len;

void getScatteredDensity3D(MultiBlockLattice3D<T,AVDES>& lattice,
vector<vector>& locationVector,
vector& newVector)
plint len = locationVector.size();
ComputeScatteredRho3D<T,AVDES> *aaa = new ComputeScatteredRho3D<T,AVDES> (locationVector, newVector, len);
applyProcessingFunctional(aaa, lattice.getBoundingBox(), lattice);

locationVector is a vector storing location information of a domain.
I want to have an access to rhoVector outside of the data processor using a function getRhoVector. However, it seems like the rhoVector is destroyed after the function applyProcessingFunctional.
Can anyone give me advice on solving this problem? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
