Extending the Lee/Lin example to higher density ratio than 10.

One of the examples provided by Palabos is the simulation of two colliding bubbles at density ratio of 10 and viscosity ratio of 10 where Lee/Lin model is used… I am trying to run the model at density ratio of 1000. I used the conditions used by Taehun Lee (2009) in the last simulation in the paper i.e droplet thickness of 4, density of liquid 1, density of the vapour 0.001, tau_l=0.02 and tau_g=0.2 but the simulation diverges after a few time steps. I tried other density ratios between 10 and 1000 but the simulation diverges after a couple hundred time steps at best. Has anyone run into the same issue before? Any ideas as to why the simulations diverge?

what model is your code using? I’ve been learning Lee’s HCZ model with high density ratio recently, but I have encountered some problems. Could you share your code with me?
Thank you very much!
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