Bounceback Conditions


I’ve been given an LBM code and I cannot understand what kind of bounceback condition is this:

         if (obst(x,y,z)) then
c...........rotate all ensities and write back to node

            node(1,x,y,z) = n_hlp(3,x,y,z)

            node(2,x,y,z) = n_hlp(4,x,y,z)

            node(3,x,y,z) = n_hlp(1,x,y,z)

            node(4,x,y,z) = n_hlp(2,x,y,z)

            node(5,x,y,z) = n_hlp(6,x,y,z)

            node(6,x,y,z) = n_hlp(5,x,y,z)

            node(7,x,y,z) = n_hlp(9,x,y,z)

            node(8,x,y,z) = n_hlp(10,x,y,z)

		  node(9,x,y,z) = n_hlp(7,x,y,z)

		  node(10,x,y,z) = n_hlp(8,x,y,z)

            node(11,x,y,z) = n_hlp(13,x,y,z)

            node(12,x,y,z) = n_hlp(14,x,y,z)

            node(13,x,y,z) = n_hlp(11,x,y,z)

            node(14,x,y,z) = n_hlp(12,x,y,z)

            node(15,x,y,z) = n_hlp(17,x,y,z)

            node(16,x,y,z) = n_hlp(18,x,y,z)

            node(17,x,y,z) = n_hlp(15,x,y,z)

		  node(18,x,y,z) = n_hlp(16,x,y,z)

I was reading boundary review and I couldn’t find it. I think it is not really well implemented, have you got any idea?

Thank you


This is bounceback. But I cannot tell you exactly which one. I assume it is fullway bounceback where you temporary store the populations on the wall nodes.

Dear Timm,

thank you for the answer

Is there any realtion why the simulation after a bit that the mass decreases suddenly indefinitely increases (at least for 100,000 iterations?

Thank you


Antonio, could you please rewrite the sentence in a way I can understand it? :wink:
And could you give more information on the behavior of the mass?

Dear Timm,

sorry for the strange answer…

Looking at picture: you can see that the desntiy, defined as the sum of the node all over the domain, at the beginning goes down and then increases. I made simulations up to 100,000 iterations and the mass keeps rising with constant gradient.

Is there any realtion between this behaviour and the fullway bounceback?

Thank you


Antonio, bounceback is mass-conserving (if there is no bug in the code). Halfway bounceback is exactly mass-conserving, and fullway bounceback on average (because you temporarily store the populations on the walls, and there may be small fluctuations). The behavior I see in the picture seems to be not related to bounceback. What kind of flow do you have? What are the boundary conditions at inlet/outlet? How do you initialize your velocity and density?

Dear Timm,

the code has not been made by me, that’s why I did not investigate too much.
However I’m simulationg a micro-reactor which:

dimensions D_PHY=300micrometers; D_LB = 70 lu
viscosity nu_LB=0.0175 lu^2/ts
dx=4.286E-6[m/lu], dt=0.3367E-6[s/ts]
densit RHO_PHY=1002[kg/m^3], RHO_LB=1[mass/lu^3]
Reynolds 100

Inlet conditions are defined by imposing the velocity at the inlet, since it’s known the velocity, for each node of the inlet is given u_x=0.05 lu/ts

      t_0 = 1.d0 / 3.d0
      t_1 = 1.d0 / 18.d0
      t_2 = 1.d0 / 36.d0
      c_squ = 1.d0 / 3.d0	
        lxt = 1 
        if(time .eq. 1) lxt = lx         
         do 2 z = 1, lz 
	    do 2 y = 1, ly
		 do 2 x = 1, lxt
           d_loc = 0.d0
            do 20 i = 0, 18 
              d_loc = d_loc + node(i,x,y,z)
   20       continue
		   u_y	 =  0.0 
		   u_z	 =  0.0
		    u_n(1) =   u_x
            u_n(2) =         u_y
            u_n(3) = - u_x
            u_n(4) =       - u_y
            u_n(5) =   u_z 
            u_n(6) =       - u_z
            u_n(7) =   u_x + u_y
            u_n(8) = - u_x + u_y
		    u_n(9) = - u_x - u_y
            u_n(10) =   u_x - u_y
		    u_n(11) =   u_x - u_z
            u_n(12) = - u_x - u_z
		    u_n(13) = - u_x + u_z
            u_n(14) =   u_x + u_z
            u_n(15) =   u_z + u_y
            u_n(16) = - u_z + u_y
            u_n(17) = - u_z - u_y
            u_n(18) =   u_z - u_y

		  c_squ = 1.d0 / 3.d0 
		  u_squ = u_x * u_x + u_y * u_y + u_z * u_z

c...........equilibrium densities velocity density


            node(0,x,y,z) = t_0  * ro *(1.d0 - u_squ / (2.d0 * c_squ))

c...........axis speeds (factor: t_1)

            do 3 i = 1,6 
            node(i,x,y,z) = t_1 * ro *(1.d0 + u_n(i) / c_squ 
     &               + u_n(i) ** 2.d0 / (2.d0 * c_squ ** 2.d0) 
     &               - u_squ / (2.d0 * c_squ))
    3       continue 

c...........diagonal speeds (factor: t_2)           

            do 4 i= 7, 18
            node(i,x,y,z) = t_2  * ro *(1.d0 + u_n(i) / c_squ 
     &               + u_n(i) ** 2.d0 / (2.d0 * c_squ ** 2.d0) 
     &               - u_squ / (2.d0 * c_squ))

    4       continue 
    2  continue

here above is explained the initialisation (all the domain at 0.05) and the inlet conditions. (I changed this a bit, since the mass flow in the inner tube is less, I initialise the inner tube to a slower velocity and all the rest at 0.05. So for a part of the geometry the velocity is not 0.05 but 0.04)

For the oulet is used a convective boundary condition:

      t_0 = 1.d0 / 3.d0
      t_1 = 1.d0 / 18.d0
      t_2 = 1.d0 / 36.d0
      c_squ = 1.d0 / 3.d0	
	x = lx

! u_curr: at boundary
! u_bdy1: at boundary - 1 (in x)
! u_prev: at boundary - 1 (in time)

c.....first compute the mean outflow velocity, Uc

	Uc = 0.0d0
	num = 0
	do 1 y = 1, ly
	 do 1 z = 1, lz
	  if (.not.obst(x,y,z)) then
		Uc = Uc + u_curr(y,z)
		num = num + 1
    1	continue 	
	Uc = Uc/num !if ( check not needed

c.....compute the new velocities (based on convective BC)
	do 2 y = 1, ly 
	 do 2 z = 1, lz
	  if (.not.obst(x,y,z)) then 		
		u_curr(y,z) = (u_prev(y,z) + Uc*u_bdy1(y,z))/(1.d0+Uc)
		u_prev(y,z) = u_curr(y,z)		
		v_curr(y,z) = (v_prev(y,z) + Uc*v_bdy1(y,z))/(1.d0+Uc)
		v_prev(y,z) = v_curr(y,z)			
          w_curr(y,z) = (w_prev(y,z) + Uc*w_bdy1(y,z))/(1.d0+Uc)
		w_prev(y,z) = w_curr(y,z)
    2	continue 
c re-assign the densities at the outflow boundary
	do 3 y = 1, ly
	 do 3 z = 1, lz
	  if (.not.obst(x,y,z)) then
            d_loc = 0.d0
            do i = 0, 18 
              d_loc = d_loc + n_hlp(i,x,y,z)
             u_x = u_curr(y,z)
             u_y = v_curr(y,z)
             u_z = w_curr(y,z)
c...........square velocity
            u_squ = u_x * u_x + u_y * u_y + u_z * u_z
c...........n- velocity compnents (n = lattice node connection vectors)
c...........this is only necessary for clearence, and only 3 speeds would necessary
		  u_n(1) =   u_x
            u_n(2) =         u_y
            u_n(3) = - u_x
            u_n(4) =       - u_y
            u_n(5) =   u_z 
            u_n(6) =       - u_z
            u_n(7) =   u_x + u_y
            u_n(8) = - u_x + u_y
		  u_n(9) = - u_x - u_y
            u_n(10) =   u_x - u_y
		  u_n(11) =   u_x - u_z
            u_n(12) = - u_x - u_z
		  u_n(13) = - u_x + u_z
            u_n(14) =   u_x + u_z
            u_n(15) =   u_z + u_y
            u_n(16) = - u_z + u_y
            u_n(17) = - u_z - u_y
            u_n(18) =   u_z - u_y

c...........equilibrium densities
c...........this can be rewritten to improve computational performance
c...........considerabely !
c velocity density
            n_equ(0) = t_0  * d_loc*(1.d0 - u_squ / (2.d0 * c_squ))

c...........axis speeds (factor: t_1)
            do 11 i = 1, 6
            n_equ(i) = t_1 * d_loc*(1.d0 + u_n(i) / c_squ 
     &               + u_n(i) ** 2.d0 / (2.d0 * c_squ ** 2.d0) 
     &               - u_squ / (2.d0 * c_squ))
   11       continue
c...........diagonal speeds (factor: t_2)           
            do 12 i = 7, 18 
            n_equ(i) = t_2  * d_loc*(1.d0 + u_n(i) / c_squ 
     &               + u_n(i) ** 2.d0 / (2.d0 * c_squ ** 2.d0) 
     &               - u_squ / (2.d0 * c_squ))
   12       continue        
           do i = 0, 18
              node(i,x,y,z) =n_equ(i) 
              !nod_conv(i,y,z)= n_equ(i)
    3	continue

That’s the inlet and outlet condition, for the rest in order go:

redistribute (initialisation and inlet), streaming, bounceback, relaxation, convective_BC.

Thanks for the time and the patience.

Do not hesitate to make more questions if something is not clear.

I thought was normal this behaviour of the LBM


Dear Antonio & Tomm

I read this text and I see:

“Looking at picture… the desntiy, defined as the sum of the node all over the domain, at the beginning goes down and then increases. … and the mass keeps rising with constant gradient.”

I have this problem in some of my works too.
did you find reason of that?
is it possible to explain for me?

Thank you
