Assertion `fp != __null' failed.


I am trying to understand palabos, so studying examples …

Last week I was able to run example breakingDam3d. There was not any problem, I did modify parameters and I did study results.

Today same program is giving error message:

./damBreak3d tmp 1.e-5 100 80.0 40 1.e-3 80000
delta_t= 0.001
delta_x= 0.025
delta_t*delta_t/delta_x= 4e-05
externalForce= -0.000392
relaxation time= 0.500048
omega= 1.99981
kinematic viscosity physical units = 1e-05
kinematic viscosity lattice units= 1.6e-05
Time spent for setting up lattices: 0.262371

Time of last iteration is 0 seconds
Average Mass: 0.200954
Average Density: 1
Average Volume-Fraction: 0.227202760812
Sum of mass matrix: 0
Lost mass: 0
Total mass: 0
Interface cells: 0
damBreak3d: /home/jano/Downloads/palabos-v1.2r0/src/offLattice/triangleSet.hh:553: void plb::TriangleSet::writeBinarySTL(std::string) const [with T = double; std::string = std::basic_string]: Assertion `fp != __null’ failed.
[frodo:12477] *** Process received signal ***
[frodo:12477] Signal: Aborted (6)
[frodo:12477] Signal code: (-6)
[frodo:12477] [ 0] /usr/lib/ [0x7fe27814c1a0]
[frodo:12477] [ 1] /usr/lib/ [0x7fe277dcafd5]
[frodo:12477] [ 2] /usr/lib/ [0x7fe277dcc458]
[frodo:12477] [ 3] /usr/lib/ [0x7fe277dc4022]
[frodo:12477] [ 4] /usr/lib/ [0x7fe277dc40d2]
[frodo:12477] [ 5] ./damBreak3d() [0x42468a]
[frodo:12477] [ 6] ./damBreak3d() [0x40d59a]
[frodo:12477] [ 7] /usr/lib/ [0x7fe277db7725]
[frodo:12477] [ 8] ./damBreak3d() [0x40f961]
[frodo:12477] *** End of error message ***
Aborted (core dumped)

I did unpack palabos in new directory and compile breakingDam3d in that new directory. Program is starting but it is stoping with error just before saving data.

Please, can someone help me find out what happen?
thank you

I am also getting a similar error. I am trying to run externalFlowAroundObstacle with an obstacle different from the one given in the example(basically the same shape just double the radius). But when I try to run the code I am getting the error

externalFlowMyAttempt: /home/palabos/palabos-v1.4r1/src/offLattice/triangleSet.hh:617: void plb::TriangleSet<T>::writeBinarySTL(std::string) const [with T = T]: Assertion `fp != __null' failed.
[bndli020:02982] *** Process received signal ***
[bndli020:02982] Signal: Aborted (6)
[bndli020:02982] Signal code:  (-6)
[bndli020:02982] [ 0] /lib64/tls/[0x3dd9b0c5b0]
[bndli020:02982] [ 1] /lib64/tls/[0x3dd8e2e25d]
[bndli020:02982] [ 2] /lib64/tls/[0x3dd8e2fa5e]
[bndli020:02982] [ 3] /lib64/tls/[0x3dd8e27ae1]
[bndli020:02982] [ 4] ./externalFlowMyAttempt[0x41f927]
[bndli020:02982] [ 5] ./externalFlowMyAttempt[0x40ee7f]
[bndli020:02982] [ 6] ./externalFlowMyAttempt[0x411ac6]
[bndli020:02982] [ 7] /lib64/tls/[0x3dd8e1c3fb]
[bndli020:02982] [ 8] ./externalFlowMyAttempt(__gxx_personality_v0+0x102)[0x40bf4a]
[bndli020:02982] *** End of error message ***

Dear Vetor and abd11,

the problem is that Palabos cannot open a file for writing. This is most probably due to the fact that your working directory does not have a subdirectory caled “tmp”. In both these examples Palabos expects to find a directory called “tmp” to write all results.
