Aneurysm simulation

Hi everyone !

I would like to run and to understand the aneurysm simulation but i have a problem.
Whene i run the program, it tells me “wrong parameters; the syntax is : C:\Users\Foucaud\Documents\Palabos\palabos-v1.4r1-1\codeblocks\bin\Debug\Palabos.exe parameter-input-file.xml”

Do someone know why it doesn’t work ?

Thank you in advence


Hi !
I thought a lot and what i think is that the name of the XML file (here, param.xml) should be contained in argv(1).
But actually argv(1) look empty.
This could explain why the file can not be opened.
So my new question is, where in the code is argv(1) initialize.

I hope you will be able to help me.

Thank you in advence.



When you run the code you specy the XML filename as an input parameter, for example

./aneurysm param.xml


mpiexec -np t aneurysm param.xml

where the second option is if you are running in parallel using MPI and t is the number of cores/thread that you want to use.

Kind Regards,


Thank you for your answer Muaaz !

But i don’t realy understand where i can input the filename as a parameter.
Would you like to explain me how to proceed ?

Thank you very much !



You input the filename, in the case of my example in my earlier post param.xml, after the run command for the executable.

If you look at my earlier post you would enter this from the command line. Open the terminal (command line) and change to the directory where the aneurysm code resides. from that directory in the terminal enter the commands as I have given in my earlier post:

./aneurysm param.xml


mpiexec -np t aneurysm param.xml

where the second option is if you are running in parallel using MPI and t is the number of cores/thread that you want to use and param.xml is the name of the XML file. You do not need to enter it into the code.

Kind Regards,
