about circular cylinder

Hi Dear All,
I try to write a code for flows around circular cylinder. The basic parameters are
IN=20 (inlet position from the cylinder)
NX=478 (must be larger than radius50)
NY=71 (must be odd, must be larger than radius
2 I think).
Re=100 (Reynolds number)
t_max=500001 (Maximum time step)
ui=0.0666 (Inflow velocity:fixed within a low Mach number limit)
rho0=1.0 (Inflow density)
dt=dx=1 (lattice size and time step)

double nu = ui2.0radius/Re;
double tau_f = (6.0nu+1.0)/2.0;
double re = ui
2.0*radius / nu;

int a = IN*(int)radius; // center of cylinder in x direction
int b = (NY-1)/2; // center of cylinder in y direction

Here i can also post the inlet/outlet and bounce back boundary conditions, may be i do some mistake here.

void bc_inlet()
int i,j;
i=0; // inlet bc
for(j=1;j<=NY-2;j++) {
f_1[i][j][1] = f_1[i+1][j][3] + 6.0rho[i+1][j]w1ui;
f_1[i][j][5] = f_1[i+1][j+1][7] + 6.0
f_1[i][j][8] = f_1[i+1][j-1][6] + 6.0*rho[i+1][j-1]w2ui;

void bc_outlet()
int i,j,k;
i=NX-1; // downstream bc
// f_1[i][j][k] = 2.0*f_1[i-1][j][k] - f_1[i-2][j][k];
f_1[i][j][k] = f_1[i-1][j][k];

//bounce-back boundary condition for wall(channel) between 0 and 1 or between NY-2 and NY-1
void bc_bounceback()
int i;
f_1[i][0][5] = f_1[i+1][1][7];
f_1[i][NY-1][8] = f_1[i+1][NY-2][6];
f_1[i][0][2] = f_1[i][1][4];
f_1[i][NY-1][4] = f_1[i][NY-2][2];
f_1[i][0][6] = f_1[i-1][1][8];
f_1[i][NY-1][7] = f_1[i-1][NY-2][5];

For convergence test i used the L2-norm with the tolerance 1.0e-9
Inlet and outlet boundary conditions: Those proposed by Grunau et al.
Wall boundary condition: Symmetric and Bounce back boundary conditions

I have the following questions:

  1. Initially for 30000 time steps there is no lift coefficient and the convergence goes to 0.000001 and then increases again. I don’t know how many time steps is ok for this problem and why it happened.
  2. If i used the tolerance 5.0e-6 the convergence meet very quickly but i got no lift coefficients, don’t know why.
    Can any one help me that the way i define all the parameters it’s ok or not. And why the shedding not happened for Reynolds number(=100) from initial also.

I need some help about such types of problems and if any one want to discuss about these problems and about my code then i can post the code on wiki also.
Thanks in advance

Dear khan,
I am also working in the same area. I got results. I didnt get your problem fully. Can you post once again?

Thank you,

with regards,
D.A. Perumal,
IIT Guwahati