a fortran code about 2D cylinder flow

I tried the 2d cylinder flow code in fortran provided from [wiki.palabos.org]

and plot it with tecplot.

Unfortunately the plot is wrong since the streamlines pass through the cylinder, instead of circumventing it and creating vortex behind.
even after I fill the cylinder with “0” value, the streamlines are still wrong,eg, the velocity on the cylinder is not “0”.

I compared the fortran code with the matlab one http://wiki.palabos.org/numerics:codes

,but cant figure out the reason.The boundary treatment seems reasonable and the way to handle obstacle is quite general.

I have changed the code as specified by the original author and only add the tecplot output function and set up the stopping criteria.

Attached you can check the input parameter and the tecplot output.The problem is still there.

For convenience, I have uploaded all the output and the code shown above here:


Hope someone can point out the bug.


! unsteady.f90:

! Lattice Boltzmann sample, written in Fortran 90
! Copyright (C) 2006 Orestis Malaspinas
! Address: EPFL STI ISE LIN, ME A2 398, 1015 Lausanne, Switzerland
! E-mail: orestis.malaspinas@epfl.ch
! This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
! modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
! as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
! of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
! This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
! GNU General Public License for more details.
! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public 
! License along with this program; if not, write to the Free 
! Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
! Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.
! This example examines an unsteady flow past a cylinder placed in a channel.
! The cylinder is offset somewhat from the center of the flow to make the
! steady-state symmetrical flow unstable. At the inlet and outlet, a Poiseuille
! profile is imposed on the velocity. At Reynolds numbers around 100,
! an unstable periodic pattern is created, the Karman vortex street.
! Note that with the implemented Zou/He boundary condition, you must
! increase the resolution to keep the simulation stable if you increase
! the Reynolds number.

!	 ========================================================
!	 Constants that identify different cell-types according
!        to the dynamics they implement
!	 ========================================================
MODULE cellConst
integer, parameter:: fluid = 0, wall = 100, inlet = 50, outlet = 80
END MODULE cellConst

!	 ========================================================
!	 Lattice constants for the D2Q9 lattice
!	 ========================================================
!	 D2Q9 Weights
double precision,parameter:: t(0:8) = (/4.0d0/9.0d0,1.0d0/9.0d0,1.0d0/9.0d0,1.0d0/9.0d0,1.0d0/9.0d0&
!	D2Q9 Directions
integer:: v(0:8,0:1)
!       = (/(/0,1,0,-1,0,1,-1,-1,1/),(/0,0,1,0,-1,1,1,-1,-1/)/)

integer, parameter:: opposite(0:8) = (/0,3,4,1,2,7,8,5,6/)

!	 ========================================================
!	 Constants for simulation setup
!	 ========================================================
MODULE simParam
integer, parameter:: xDim = 250*5 
integer, parameter:: yDim = 50*5  
integer, parameter:: obstX = xDim/5
integer, parameter:: obstY = yDim/2
integer, parameter:: obstR = min(yDim/10+0.5,10.5)

integer, parameter:: tMax = 200000

double precision, parameter:: uMax = 0.01d0
double precision, parameter:: Re = 40.0d0

!	 ========================================================
!	 The main program, implementing a flow past a cylinder
!	 ========================================================

PROGRAM unsteady
USE simParam, ONLY: xDim, yDim, tMax
use cellConst
implicit none

double precision:: omega, time1, time2, timeTot
double precision, dimension(:,:,:), allocatable:: f,f_previous, fEq, u,u0
double precision, dimension(:,:), allocatable:: rho, uSqr, lift, drag
integer, dimension(:,:), allocatable:: image
integer:: tStep
integer:: i, j,k ,x, y
double precision :: Err


CALL constructImage(image)
CALL computeOmega(omega)
CALL writeInput(omega)
CALL initMacro(rho,u,u0,uSqr,image)
CALL computeFeq(fEq,rho,u,uSqr)

f = fEq

timeTot = 0.0d0
do tStep = 1, tMax

CALL collide(f,fEq,omega,image)
CALL stream(f)
CALL inletOutlet(f,rho,u,image)  
CALL boundaries(f,image,u)
CALL computeMacros(f,rho,u,uSqr)
CALL computeFeq(fEq,rho,u,uSqr)


!call computeForce(f,rho,u,uSqr,f_previous,lift,drag)

timeTot = timeTot + (time2-time1)

if( mod(tStep,500) == 0) then
    call output(tStep,image,u,rho,lift,drag)
    write(*,*) "tStep ",tStep," done "," err ",Err(u,u0,image)

end if
if( Err(u,u0,image) < 1.0d-6 .or. isnan(Err(u,u0,image))) then
end if

end do

CALL writeImage(image)
!CALL writeOutput(u,0)
write(*,*) dble(tMax) * (dble(yDim * xDim)) / timeTot ,'cells per second'

END PROGRAM unsteady

double precision function Err(u,u0,image)
use cellConst
USE simParam
double precision, INTENT(INOUT):: u(yDim,xDim,0:1)
double precision, INTENT(INOUT):: u0(yDim,xDim,0:1)
integer, INTENT(INOUT)::image(yDim, xDim)

integer:: i, j,k ,x, y
double precision ::  e1,e2
do i=1,yDim    
    do j=1,xDim
        if(image(i,j) /= wall) then

        e1=e1+ sqrt( ( u(i,j,0)-u0(i,j,0) )**2+ ( u(i,j,1)-u0(i,j,1) )**2 )

        !e2+=sqrt( ux[j][i]*ux[j][i]+uy[j][i]*uy[j][i]);
        e2=e2+sqrt( u(i,j,0) **2+ u(i,j,1)**2)


        end if          
    end do
end do

Err =e1 /( e2+1d-30) 
end function Err

subroutine output(tStep,image,u,rho,lift,drag)
use cellConst
USE simParam, ONLY: xDIm, yDim
double precision, INTENT(INOUT):: u(yDim,xDim,0:1), rho(yDim, xDim),lift(yDim, xDim),drag(yDim, xDim)
integer, INTENT(INOUT)::image(yDim, xDim)
integer:: i,j
integer:: tStep

Character( Len = 1200 ) :: filename

write(filename,"(I7,A4)") tStep,".plt"

write(1,*)"VARIABLES =X, Y, U, V, RHO, IMAGE"!, Vel
write(1,*)"ZONE ","I=",xDim,"J=",yDim,",","F=POINT"

do i=1,yDim    
    do j=1,xDim
        if(image(i,j)==wall) then
        end if

        write(1,*) j, i,u(i,j,0), u(i,j,1), rho(i,j),image(i,j)!,sqrt(u(i,j,0)**2+u(i,j,1)**2)
    end do
end do

end subroutine output

!	 ========================================================
!	 Compute the relaxation parameter from the Reynolds number
!	 ========================================================
SUBROUTINE computeOmega(omega)
USE simParam, ONLY: Re,uMax,obstR

implicit none

double precision, INTENT(INOUT):: omega
double precision:: nu

nu    =  uMax * 2.0d0 * dble(obstR) / Re
omega = 1.0d0 / (3.0d0*nu+0.5d0)

!	 ========================================================
!	 Construct an array the defines the flow geometry
!	 ========================================================
SUBROUTINE constructImage(image)
USE cellConst
USE simParam, ONLY: xDim, yDim, obstX, obstY, obstR
USE D2Q9Const, ONLY: v

implicit none

integer, INTENT(INOUT):: image(yDim,xDim)
integer:: x,y

v(0:8,0) = (/0,1,0,-1,0,1,-1,-1,1/)
v(0:8,1) = (/0,0,1,0,-1,1,1,-1,-1/)

image          = fluid
image(:,1)     = inlet
image(:,xDim)  = outlet
image(1,:)     = wall
image(yDim,:)  = wall
do x = 1, xDim
    do y = 1, yDim
        if (((x-obstX)**2 + (y-obstY)**2) <= (obstR**2) ) image(y,x) = wall
    end do
end do

END SUBROUTINE constructImage

!	 ========================================================
!	 Initialize the simulation to Poiseuille profile at
!        an equilibrium distribution
!	 ========================================================
SUBROUTINE initMacro(rho,u,u0,uSqr,image)

USE simParam!, ONLY: xDim, yDim
use cellConst

implicit none
integer, INTENT(INOUT):: image(yDim,xDim)

double precision, INTENT(INOUT):: rho(yDim,xDim), u(yDim,xDim,0:1), u0(yDim,xDim,0:1),uSqr(yDim,xDim)
double precision:: uProf
integer:: x,y

do y = 1, yDim
    u(y,:,0) = uProf(y)
    u(y,:,1) = 0.0d0
    u0(y,:,0) = 0.0d0
    u0(y,:,1) = 0.0d0
end do

rho  = 1.0d0
uSqr = u(:,:,0) * u(:,:,0) + u(:,:,1) * u(:,:,1)

!	 ========================================================
!	 Compute equilibrium distribution
!	 ========================================================
SUBROUTINE computeFeq(fEq,rho,u,uSqr)
USE D2Q9COnst, ONLY: t, v
USE simParam, ONLY: xDim, yDim
implicit none

double precision, INTENT(IN):: rho(yDim,xDim), uSqr(yDim,xDim), u(yDim,xDim,0:1)
double precision, INTENT(INOUT):: fEq(yDim,xDim,0:8)
integer:: i, x, y
double precision:: uxy

do i = 0, 8
    do x = 1, xDim
        do y = 1, yDim
            uxy = u(y,x,0) * v(i,0) + u(y,x,1) * v(i,1)
            fEq(y,x,i) = t(i) * rho(y,x) * (1.0d0 + 3.0d0 * uxy + 4.5d0 * uxy * uxy - 1.5d0 * uSqr(y,x))
        end do
    end do
end do

!	 ========================================================
!	 Compute drag and lift from distribution functions
!	 ========================================================
SUBROUTINE computeForce(f,rho,u,uSqr,f_previous,lift,drag)
USE simParam, ONLY: xDIm, yDim
implicit none

double precision, INTENT(IN):: f(yDim,xDim,0:8),f_previous(yDim,xDim,0:8)
double precision, INTENT(INOUT):: u(yDim,xDim,0:1), rho(yDim, xDim), uSqr(yDim, xDim), lift(yDim, xDim),drag(yDim, xDim)
integer:: x,y

do x = 1, xDim-1
    do y = 1, yDim-1
        !rho(y,x)  = f(y,x,0) + f(y,x,1) + f(y,x,2) + f(y,x,3) + f(y,x,4) + f(y,x,5) + f(y,x,6) + f(y,x,7) + f(y,x,8)
        !u(y,x,0)  = (f(y,x,1) - f(y,x,3) + f(y,x,5) - f(y,x,6) - f(y,x,7) + f(y,x,8)) / rho(y,x)
        !u(y,x,1)  = (f(y,x,2) - f(y,x,4) + f(y,x,5) + f(y,x,6) - f(y,x,7) - f(y,x,8)) / rho(y,x)
        !uSqr(y,x) = u(y,x,0) * u(y,x,0) + u(y,x,1) * u(y,x,1)
        drag(y,x) = (f(y,x+1,1) - f(y,x+1,3) + f(y,x+1,5) - f(y,x+1,6) - f(y,x+1,7) + f(y,x+1,8)) + (f_previous(y,x,1) - f_previous(y,x,3) + f_previous(y,x,5) - f_previous(y,x,6) - f_previous(y,x,7) + f_previous(y,x,8))
        lift(y,x) = (f(y+1,x,2) - f(y+1,x,4) + f(y+1,x,5) + f(y+1,x,6) - f(y+1,x,7) - f(y+1,x,8)) + (f_previous(y,x,2) - f_previous(y,x,4) + f_previous(y,x,5) + f_previous(y,x,6) - f_previous(y,x,7) - f_previous(y,x,8))
    end do
end do

!	 ========================================================
!	 Compute density and velocity from distribution functions
!	 ========================================================
SUBROUTINE computeMacros(f,rho,u,uSqr)
USE simParam, ONLY: xDIm, yDim
implicit none

double precision, INTENT(IN):: f(yDim,xDim,0:8)
double precision, INTENT(INOUT):: u(yDim,xDim,0:1), rho(yDim, xDim), uSqr(yDim, xDim)
integer:: x,y

do x = 1, xDim
    do y = 1, yDim
        !if (image(y,x) /= wall) then
        rho(y,x)  = f(y,x,0) + f(y,x,1) + f(y,x,2) + f(y,x,3) + f(y,x,4) + f(y,x,5) + f(y,x,6) + f(y,x,7) + f(y,x,8)
        u(y,x,0)  = (f(y,x,1) - f(y,x,3) + f(y,x,5) - f(y,x,6) - f(y,x,7) + f(y,x,8)) / rho(y,x)
        u(y,x,1)  = (f(y,x,2) - f(y,x,4) + f(y,x,5) + f(y,x,6) - f(y,x,7) - f(y,x,8)) / rho(y,x)
        uSqr(y,x) = u(y,x,0) * u(y,x,0) + u(y,x,1) * u(y,x,1)
        !end if
    end do
end do
END SUBROUTINE computeMacros

!	 ========================================================
!	 Implement Bounce-back on upper/lower boundaries
!	 ========================================================
SUBROUTINE boundaries(f,image,u)
USE D2Q9Const, ONLY: opposite
USE cellConst, ONLY: wall
USE simParam, ONLY: xDim, yDim
implicit none

integer, INTENT(IN):: image(yDim,xDim)
double precision, INTENT(INOUT):: f(yDim,xDim,0:8), u(yDim,xDim,0:1)
!double precision, INTENT(INOUT):: rho(yDim,xDim)
double precision:: fTmp(0:8)
integer:: i, x, y

do x = 1, xDim
    do y = 1, yDim
        if (image(y,x) == wall) then

        do i = 0, 8
            fTmp(i) = f(y,x,opposite(i))
        end do
        do i = 0, 8
            f(y,x,i) = fTmp(i)
        end do


        end if
    end do
end do

!	 ========================================================
!	 Use Zou/He boundary condition to implement Dirichlet
!        boundaries on inlet/outlet
!	 ========================================================
SUBROUTINE inletOutlet(f,rho,u,image)
USE cellConst, ONLY: inlet, outlet
USE simParam

implicit none

double precision, INTENT(INOUT):: f(yDim,xDim,0:8), u(yDim,xDim,0:1), rho(yDim,xDim)
integer, INTENT(IN):: image(yDim,xDim)

double precision:: uProf
integer:: x, y

do x = 1, xDim
    do y = 1, yDim
        if (image(y,x) == inlet) then
            u(y,x,0) = uProf(y)
            u(y,x,1) = 0.0d0
            CALL inletZou(f(y,x,:),u(y,x,:),rho(y,x))
        else if (image(y,x) == outlet) then
            u(y,x,0) = uProf(y)
            u(y,x,1) = 0.0d0
            CALL outletZou(f(y,x,:),u(y,x,:),rho(y,x))
        end if
    end do
end do


!	 ========================================================
!	 Zou/He boundary on inlet
!	 ========================================================
SUBROUTINE inletZou(f,u,rho)
implicit none

double precision, INTENT(INOUT):: f(0:8),rho
double precision, INTENT(IN):: u(0:1)
double precision:: fInt, fInt2

fInt   = f(0) + f(2) + f(4)
fInt2  = f(3) + f(6) + f(7)
rho    = (fInt + 2.0d0 * fInt2) / (1.0d0 - u(0))
CALL zouWestWall(f,rho,u)

SUBROUTINE zouWestWall(f,rho,u)
implicit none

double precision, INTENT(INOUT):: f(0:8)
double precision, INTENT(IN):: rho, u(0:1)
double precision:: fDiff, rhoUx, rhoUy

fDiff = 0.5d0 * (f(2) - f(4))
rhoUx = rho * u(0) / 6.0d0
rhoUy = 0.5d0 * rho * u(1)

f(1) = f(3) + 4.0d0 * rhoUx
f(5) = f(7) - fDiff + rhoUx + rhoUy
f(8) = f(6) + fDiff + rhoUx - rhoUy

!	 ========================================================
!	 Zou/He boundary on outlet
!	 ========================================================
SUBROUTINE outletZou(f,u,rho)
implicit none

double precision, INTENT(INOUT):: f(0:8),rho,u(0:1)
double precision:: fInt, fInt2

fInt  = f(0) + f(2) + f(4)
fInt2 = f(1) + f(8) + f(5)
rho   = (fInt + 2.0d0 * fInt2) / (1.0d0 + u(0))
CALL zouEastWall(f,rho,u)

SUBROUTINE zouEastWall(f,rho,u)
implicit none

double precision, INTENT(INOUT):: f(0:8)
double precision, INTENT(IN):: rho, u(0:1)
double precision:: fDiff, rhoUx, rhoUy

fDiff = 0.5d0 * (f(2) - f(4))
rhoUx = rho * u(0) / 6.0d0
rhoUy = 0.5d0 * rho * u(1)

f(3) = f(1) - 4.0d0 * rhoUx
f(7) = f(5) + fDiff - rhoUx - rhoUy
f(6) = f(8) - fDiff - rhoUx + rhoUy


!	 ========================================================
!	 Computation of Poiseuille profile for the inlet/outlet
!	 ========================================================
USE simParam, ONLY: yDIm, uMax
implicit none

integer, INTENT(IN):: y
double precision:: radius, uProf

radius = dble(yDim-1) * 0.5d0
uProf  = -uMax * ((abs(1 - dble(y-1) / radius))**2 - 1.0d0)

!	 ========================================================
!	 Streaming step: the population functions are shifted
!        one site along their corresponding lattice direction
!        (no temporary memory is needed)
!	 ========================================================
SUBROUTINE stream(f)
USE simParam
implicit none

double precision, INTENT(INOUT):: f(yDim,xDim,0:8)
double precision:: periodicHor(yDim), periodicVert(xDim)

!	 -------------------------------------
!	 right direction
periodicHor   = f(:,xDim,1)
f(:,2:xDim,1) = f(:,1:xDim-1,1)
f(:,1,1)      = periodicHor
!	 -------------------------------------
!	 up direction
periodicVert    = f(yDim,:,2)
f(2:yDim,:,2) = f(1:yDim-1,:,2)
f(1,:,2)     = periodicVert
!	 -------------------------------------
!	 left direction
periodicHor     = f(:,1,3)
f(:,1:xDim-1,3) = f(:,2:xDim,3)
f(:,xDim,3)     = periodicHor
!	 -------------------------------------
!	 down direction
periodicVert     = f(1,:,4)
f(1:yDim-1,:,4)  = f(2:yDim,:,4)
f(yDim,:,4)      = periodicVert
!	 -------------------------------------
!	 up-right direction
periodicVert = f(yDim,:,5)
periodicHor  = f(:,xDim,5)
f(2:yDim,2:xDim,5)   = f(1:yDim-1,1:xDim-1,5)
f(1,2:xDim,5)        = periodicVert(1:xDim-1)
f(1,1,5)             = periodicVert(xDim)
f(2:yDim,1,5)        = periodicHor(1:yDim-1)
!	 -------------------------------------
!	 up-left direction
periodicVert = f(yDim,:,6)
periodicHor  = f(:,1,6)
f(2:yDim,1:xDim-1,6)   = f(1:yDim-1,2:xDim,6)
f(1,1:xDim-1,6)        = periodicVert(2:xDim)
f(1,xDim,6)            = periodicVert(1)
f(2:yDim,xDim,6)       = periodicHor(1:yDim-1)
!	 -------------------------------------
!	 down-left direction
periodicVert = f(1,:,7)
periodicHor  = f(:,1,7)
f(1:yDim-1,1:xDim-1,7) = f(2:yDim,2:xDim,7)
f(yDim,1:xDim-1,7)     = periodicVert(2:xDim)
f(yDim,xDim,7)         = periodicVert(1)
f(1:yDim-1,xDim,7)     = periodicHor(2:yDim)
!	 -------------------------------------
!	 down-right direction
periodicVert = f(1,:,8)
periodicHor  = f(:,xDim,8)
f(1:yDim-1,2:xDim,8)  = f(2:yDim,1:xDim-1,8)
f(yDim,2:xDim,8)      = periodicVert(1:xDim-1)
f(yDim,1,8)           = periodicVert(xDim)
f(1:yDim-1,1,8)         = periodicHor(2:yDim)

!	 ========================================================
!	 LBGK collision step
!	 ========================================================
SUBROUTINE collide(f,fEq,omega,image)
USE simParam, ONLY: xDim, yDim
USE cellConst, ONLY: wall
implicit none

integer, INTENT(IN):: image(yDim,xDim)
double precision, INTENT(IN):: fEq(yDim,xDim,0:8), omega
double precision, INTENT(INOUT):: f(yDim,xDim,0:8)

integer:: x,y,i

do i = 0, 8
    do x = 1, xDim
        do y = 1, yDim
            !if (image(y,x) /= wall) 
            f(y,x,i) = (1.0d0 - omega) * f(y,x,i) + omega * feq(y,x,i)
        end do
    end do
end do

!	 ========================================================
!	 Write the flow geometry to a file
!	 ========================================================
SUBROUTINE writeImage(image)
USE simParam, ONLY: xDim, yDim
implicit none

integer, INTENT(IN):: image(yDim,xDim)

integer:: x,y

do x=1, xDim
    do y=1, yDim
        write(13,102) image(y,x)
    end do
end do

102 format(3i10)

!	 ========================================================
!	 Print out simulation parameters to screen
!	 ========================================================
SUBROUTINE writeInput(omega)
USE simParam
implicit none

double precision, INTENT(IN):: omega

write(*,*) 'xDim                 = ', xDim
write(*,*) 'yDim                 = ', yDim
write(*,*) 'Obstacle X           = ', obstX
write(*,*) 'Obstacle Y           = ', obstY
write(*,*) 'Obstacle Radius      = ', obstR
write(*,*) 'tMax                 = ', tMax
write(*,*) 'uMax                 = ', uMax
write(*,*) 'Re                   = ', Re
write(*,*) 'omega                = ', omega

it would be good to see exactly an image of the strealines to see the behavior of these first.

Disregarding your principal matter, I see is that you use a huge LBM velocity --> 0.4

IMO, this is way too much for this method, it overcomes the Mach number limit --> 0.4/(1/3)^0.5 = 0.693 >> 0.3,

where the Ma = 0.3 is the incompressible limit for the LBM method. You should try to reduce the U up to 0.1 or less (if possible), and eventually you will have to increase the mesh, to overcome possible unstabilities, try to reach a good compromise between velocity and mesh size. Also try to keep omega (1/relaxation_time) away from the values from 2 to 1.7-1.8.

Then you might still have some problems with the streamlines, but I think that, in this moment you should priorize issue this first. Then you recheck if the problem still remains, and I will focus this.



Thank you for your kind help!!!

I have changed the code as specified by the original author and only add the tecplot output function and set up the stopping criteria.

Attached you can check the input parameter and the tecplot output.The problem is still there.

For your convenience, I have uploaded all the output and the code shown above here:


Looking forward to your reply

You might try to change the streaming step like this.
I am 90% sure here is the problem by judging the streamlines, they are symmetrically switched up and down direction.


! ========================================================
! Streaming step: the population functions are shifted
! one site along their corresponding lattice direction
! (no temporary memory is needed)
! ========================================================
SUBROUTINE stream(f)
USE simParam
implicit none

double precision, INTENT(INOUT):: f(yDim,xDim,0:8)
double precision:: periodicHor(yDim), periodicVert(xDim)

! -------------------------------------
! right direction
periodicHor = f(:,xDim,1)
f(:,2:xDim,1) = f(:,1:xDim-1,1)
f(:,1,1) = periodicHor
! -------------------------------------
! up direction
periodicVert = f(yDim,:,2)
f(2:yDim,:,2) = f(1:yDim-1,:,2)
f(1,:,2) = periodicVert
! -------------------------------------
! left direction
periodicHor = f(:,1,3)
f(:,1:xDim-1,3) = f(:,2:xDim,3)
f(:,xDim,3) = periodicHor
! -------------------------------------
! down direction
periodicVert = f(1,:,4)
f(1:yDim-1,:,4) = f(2:yDim,:,4)
f(yDim,:,4) = periodicVert
! -------------------------------------
! up-right direction
periodicVert = f(yDim,:,5)
periodicHor = f(:,xDim,5)
f(2:yDim,2:xDim,5) = f(1:yDim-1,1:xDim-1,5)
f(1,2:xDim,5) = periodicVert(1:xDim-1)
f(1,1,5) = periodicVert(xDim)
f(2:yDim,1,5) = periodicHor(1:yDim-1)
! -------------------------------------
! up-left direction
periodicVert = f(yDim,:,6)
periodicHor = f(:,1,6)
f(2:yDim,1:xDim-1,6) = f(1:yDim-1,2:xDim,6)
f(1,1:xDim-1,6) = periodicVert(2:xDim)
f(1,xDim,6) = periodicVert(1)
f(2:yDim,xDim,6) = periodicHor(1:yDim-1)
! -------------------------------------
! down-left direction
periodicVert = f(1,:,7)
periodicHor = f(:,1,7)
f(1:yDim-1,1:xDim-1,7) = f(2:yDim,2:xDim,7)
f(yDim,1:xDim-1,7) = periodicVert(2:xDim)
f(yDim,xDim,7) = periodicVert(1)
f(1:yDim-1,xDim,7) = periodicHor(2:yDim)
! -------------------------------------
! down-right direction
periodicVert = f(1,:,8)
periodicHor = f(:,xDim,8)
f(1:yDim-1,2:xDim,8) = f(2:yDim,1:xDim-1,8)
f(yDim,2:xDim,8) = periodicVert(1:xDim-1)
f(yDim,1,8) = periodicVert(xDim)
f(1:yDim-1,1,8) = periodicHor(2:yDim)

let me know if you solve this matter



unfortunately the problem is still there~~~

Now it seems the streamlines no longer pass through the cylinder, but I tried Re=10,40,100. I cant see the vortex behind.

But for Re= 30, the pair of steady vortexes come out.

When I tried Re=100, the rho simply “NaN”

Do you have tecplot installed on your computer so that you can see the result?

Nope, I don’t use tecplot

Share again how you get the results, and its parameters again. But with the new Stream routine.

If Rho gets NaN is because the problem goes unstable, so it can probably be a matter of resolution/Reynolds compromise.

I have updated the code I used and use your stream function.

with the current grid size and Re number, the program fails after 500 steps(the stopping criterion shows Err() returns “NaN”)

But the streamlines are fine now

Hey, can you kindly share with me the code of the 2D cylinder flow?
I’ll be thankful if it’s possible.